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2023-04-03 Source: Houma City Government Office

- The 17th People's Congress in Houma on March 27, 2023




On behalf of the Municipal People's Government, I will report the work to the General Assembly for your deliberation, and invite the municipal CPPCC members and other participants to give comments。


2022年,在市委的坚强领导下,在人大、政协的监督支持下,市政府以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神和习近平总书记考察调研山西重要讲话重要指示精神,认真落实党中央With the important requirements of "the epidemic should be prevented, the economy should be stable, and the development should be safe", we united and led Party members and cadres at all levels and 300,000 people in Houma, deeply implemented the "1236" development idea, took responsibility and worked hard, made new achievements and achieved new breakthroughs in various works, and wrote a new chapter in the high-quality development of Houma。

——全力攻坚克难经济发展稳中有进。毫不动摇落实The general strategy of "external prevention of import, internal prevention of rebound" and the general policy of "dynamic zero clearance" have resolutely implemented the ninth edition and the implementation of the twenty articles, and successfully dealt with one round of shocks after another。After the introduction of the new Ten measures, the prevention and control measures have been adjusted according to the time and situation, and the health and prevention of severe diseases have been spared to the greatest extent, protecting the life and health of the people, and minimizing the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development。In 2022, the city's gross regional product completed 170.6.9 billion yuan, up 6% year-on-year, ranking third in the nine high-quality counties;The added value of industrial enterprises above designated size was 26.7亿元,同比增长13.6%, ranked second in the high-quality nine counties;Total retail sales of consumer goods were completed.39亿元,同比增长1.2%, ranked third in the high-quality nine counties;Total retail sales of consumer goods above the quota were completed8.05亿元,同比增长15.7%,在高质量九县排名第三。一年来,我们明确目标奋力争先The city's main economic indicators remain stable Linfen first phalanx, more fruitful economic results, more significant development results!

——聚力转型升级,三次产业To build Jianbang casting, CITIC Electromechanical, Zhengda manufacturing management, Wanglong Pharmaceutical, Beitong copper industry as the leader“5+N”The camp of tens of billions of enterprises has formed a new development pattern of the rise of chain potential。2022年,全市战新企业达到18, the total output value accounted for 52 industrial enterprises.76%;新增省级There are 7 "specialized and special new" enterprises, 3 "small giant" enterprises, and the cultivation work of "specialized and special new" ranks first in Linfen。三次产业比例由2.8:30.9:66.3调整为2.7:34.9:62.4, the proportion of secondary production increased by 4 percentage points, and the added value reached 59.6100 million yuan, the industrial structure showed a good trend of coordinated development。综保区申建取得突破性进展The relocation of Fang Li bonded logistics center passed the acceptance smoothly;多式联运国家物流枢纽、聚侯源网络货运、乡村E-town and other service industry chains have taken shape.Actively hold "enjoy the summer·燃购侯马”“金兔闹春·享购侯马Such as promoting consumption activities, consumption and service industries quickly picked up and recovered。2022年,服务业增加值106.4亿元,同比增长4.9%,在高质量九县排名第三。新建高标准农田6004亩,粮食总产量9122万公斤规模以上农业龙头企业18个5个农业品牌进入“临汾优选”Xintian Township to red flame pepper as the leading, successful declaration2022 national agricultural industry strong town;Zhangcun Xin Honghao breeding professional cooperative was rated as the livestock and poultry breeding standardization demonstration farm of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural areas;Wanglong Chinese herbal medicine industry chain project started construction, one production "one after another" integration发展。全年一产固投同比增长56.1%,临汾排名第三。一年来,我们综合施策、精准发力强化产业融合,突出转型升级The industrial structure is more optimized, the development support is continuously consolidated, and the pace of the modern industrial system is more solid!

——奋力挖潜增效,发展动能更加强劲项目建设扎实有力,实施了总投资269.71 projects of 1.9 billion yuan were completed, and 48 percent of fixed asset investment was completed.1.6 billion yuan, the total number of Linfen City third;A total investment of 1.5 billion yuan建邦高端装备新材料、总投资34.9.2 billion yuan of northern copper copper concentrate comprehensive recovery and a number of major projects快建设;今年年初,我们举行了2023 Key projects start and Xintian Road opening ceremony, total investment 28.Construction began on 15 key projects worth 7.6 billion yuan。商引资成效明显,总投资The 7.8 billion yuan Zijinshan pumped storage power station project实现合作签约;总投资1 billion yuan of smart agricultural approval of the whole industry chain, a total investment of 1.5 billion yuan of automobile trading and exhibition center等项目签约落地。开发区建设升级提质,储备1605 acres of "standard land", 14 new "four up" enterprises;Industrial investment completed 20.86亿元,同比增长21.35%;Gauge on industrial added value completed 21.6亿元,同比增长23.4%;产出强度达534万元/亩,发展水平稳居全省第一方阵。助企纾困真情实绩,以The "Mayor's breakfast meeting" and "afternoon tea" built a "connecting bridge", fully implemented the package of policies and measures of the central, provincial and municipal governments, fought for various funds of 66.9 million yuan, and applied for local special debt fund2.2.5 billion yuan;There is one provincial small and medium-sized enterprise industrial park listed, and the creation of high-quality demonstration county for small and medium-sized enterprises ranks among the excellent in the province迅速掀起“冬季行动”热潮先后组织4 government, bank and enterprise matchmaking meetings, signing intention to match funds 8.9亿元;召开企业家·市长恳谈会,现场发放奖励资金39 million yuan, with real money and silver for the enterprise to reduce the burden, refueling, encouraging。营商环境持续优化,全面落实"Discharge service", "license separation" policies, the implementation of government services "the whole city", throughout the year净增市场主体8056 households, the total stock of 35,262 households, 1000 people have 136 market entities, ranking first in Linfen;There were 1,227 new enterprises, bringing the total stock to 7,501, and 1,000 people owned enterprises30户,居临汾第二。一年来,我们把握大势、抢抓机遇项目建设更"Strong", the business environment is more "excellent", and market players are more "active".高质量发展积蓄了强劲动能!

-- We worked hard to ensure factors of production and continued to unleash the vitality of reform。我市被确定为全省Pilot integrated reform of "Innovative Development Zone operation management System",The reform of "commitment system + standard area + full agency" continued to deepen,The province took the lead in implementing double agreements, double commitments, double contracts and double supervision“四双”机制,聘请The typical approach of "investment ambassador" was promoted by the province, and the first emerging industry equity investment fund in Linfen Development Zone was established。高质量推进"111" innovation project, a net increase of 6 high-tech enterprises in the year, reaching 32, accounting for 24 Linfen City.7%;新增省、临汾市企业技术中心10, up to 35, accounting for 30% of Linfen City;Twelve scientific and technological achievements transformation bases have been established with Xi 'an University of Technology and 10 other universities, 29 doctors have been introduced, and 5 new talent studios have been built建邦公司"Continuous casting profile Engineering Technology Research Center" has become a provincial demonstration of a cooperative scientific research platform。主动融入Under national development strategies such as the Belt and Road Initiative, six China-Europe and China-Laos express trains were resumed throughout the year。一年来,我们披荆斩棘、破浪前行The pace of reform has continued to accelerate, scientific and technological innovation has accelerated across the board, and opening-up has reached a deeper level.Open, innovative, confident and practical Houma is full of vigor and vitality

-- Serving the people with devotion and making all-round progress in the cause of people's livelihood。城市品位品质不断提升总投资17.The $600 million Xin Tin Road Road and area upgrading works were obtainedMajor progress: the main lane of Xintian Road was opened to traffic smoothly, and the main part of the Dashixi high-speed Railway station housing expansion project was completed.Construction of the 108 National Highway rerouting project began, and the renovation of 36 old residential areas was fully rolled out。农村The achievements of the rectification of the "six chaos" have been continuously consolidated and expanded, and the living environment has been continuously improved全市The collective economic income of all 68 villages reached 100,000 yuan以上,总额超过2500万元,增长86.9%脱贫人口人均收入15203元,增幅13.8%。“三校五园”建设加速推进,中高考成绩持续位居临汾市前列。To deepen the pilot work of the national healthy city, the Municipal People's Hospital was successfully selected into the National Health Commission"Qian County Project", the city Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine passed the "second class A" review。深入推进The construction of "Everyone has a certificate and skills society" and the establishment of "gig market"服务平台,城镇新增就业人数8,052 people, registered unemployment rate controlled within 4%城乡居民人均可支配收入分别完成37918元、20046元。一年来,我们立足民生、久久为功Deeper feelings for the people, more efforts for the people, more real measures for the benefit of the people, people's livelihood more temperature, happiness more textured

——强力筑牢底线,社会大局保持稳定全市环境空气质量同比改善10.1%, the improvement rate ranked second in Linfen, 16 enterprises successfully "create A D";Strengthen enterprise water pollution control, Fenhe river and Huihe river water quality gradually improve, reach the surface class IV water standard;The green area of Purple Mountain has been extended and expanded.绿色发展质量持续夯实We successfully completed major security and stability maintenance tasks such as the Winter Olympics and Paralympics and the 20th CPC National Congress;We routinely crack down on crimes and crimes, and crack down on all types of crimes in accordance with the law.全市刑事案件立案数同比下降17.16%,破案数同比上升16.6%,平安侯马建设持续巩固。创新建立The "one picture, one account and four lists" mechanism firmly promoted the major investigation and rectification of safety hazards, and the three-year special rectification of safety production was successfully concluded.本质安全水平不断提升,No major or above production safety accidents occurred in the city。一年来,我们驰而不息、锻长补短空气质量实现了“升”,社会大局保持了"Stable", safe production shows "good", and the bottom line of high-quality development is more solid

——着力固本强基,自身建设不断加强“三转”强作风,开展了为期两个月的"Change the concept, change the way, change the style of work" action, effectively condensed the government system party members and cadres to break the word, face up to difficulties, self-revolution, conscious responsibility,The consensus of seizing opportunities and striving to advance has effectively promoted the orderly and efficient conduct of all government work。机制提作风,Further establish and improve a series of working mechanisms, such as specialized work classes, flat management, weekly combing and scheduling, regular supervision, and monthly research and judgment summary;Held throughout the year21 executive meetings of the government, deliberating various topics and solving 163 major problems, demonstrating the "Houma efficiency" and "Houma action" in practical responsibilities.。实干出作风,Focus on the implementation of the central government's major decisions and deployments and the work of provinces and city centers, key tasks, and carry out problems"Squatting" and "dissecting sparrows" in-depth research, to promote the implementation of epidemic prevention and control, economic operation, major project construction and other work。法治固作风,We exercised governance in accordance with the law, voluntarily accepted oversight by the People's Congress, the CPPCC, the judiciary, auditing, and the public, and handled the suggestions of NPC deputies and CPPCC members throughout the year241 items, response rate, satisfaction rate 100%。一年来,我们赓续前行、担当作为Improve the position of the standard dry, strict and orderly according to the law, coagulate the heart and gather wisdom together to dry, strict self-discipline and clean dry, the government systemCombat effectiveness, execution, cohesion more and more real,越来越

与此同时,统计、气象Civil air defence, archives, city records, elderly, women, children, Disabled Persons' Federation, youth, Red Cross, Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction, ethnic and religious affairs, foreign affairs and overseas Chinese affairs,国防动员、双拥共建、优抚安置New progress, new achievements and new breakthroughs have been made in all our work。

Fellow deputies, hard work leads to dreams and hard work leads to glory。In the past year, we have made progress in hard work, moved forward in the temper, and achieved an excellent report card。这些成绩来自于习近平总书记的掌舵领航、英明指引,Strong leadership and scientific decision-making from the province, Linfen City and the Municipal Party Committee,Strong supervision and support from the municipal People's Congress and the Municipal CPPCC,From the city's broad masses of cadres and masses of hard work, hard to forge ahead,From all walks of life, help each other。在这里,我代表市人民政府,向全市人民群众,向各位人大代表、政协委员,To all democratic parties, federations of industry and commerce, personages without party affiliation and people's organizations,向驻侯部队、武警官兵,To all the old leaders, old cadres and friends from all walks of life who care and support the construction and development of Houma,致以崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢!

Our achievements over the past year have not come easily and are encouraging。While recognizing our achievements, we are more keenly aware that there are still many weak links in our economic and social development。The economic aggregate is not large enough, and the industrial structure is not good enough.The "two transformations" are imminent, and the innovation ability needs to be further improved;Enterprises will face more difficulties in developing and expanding, and we will need to work hard to revive consumption and the service sector and foster and improve market entities.The constraints of resource factors are obvious.The problem of "financing difficulty" and "land difficulty" is more prominent, the comprehensive carrying capacity of high-quality development is not strong, and the attractiveness and competitiveness need to be improved;The quality of ecological environment still needs continuous improvement and catch-up.Security and stability and other bottom line guarantees need to be further strengthened, and so on。We will face the problems, solve them one by one, and live up to the ardent expectations of the people of the city!


2023, is the full implementation of the Party's 20 spirit of the opening year, is the implementation of the "fourteen five" plan to carry forward the key year, is the municipal Party Committee "1236" development ideas made a breakthrough in an important year。

做好今年政府工作,We must hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神,深入贯彻习近平总书记考察调研山西重要讲话重要指示精神,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,积极对接和融入新发展格局,We will fully implement the major national strategy for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin,围绕解决好Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee LAN Foan put forward in the special seminar of the main leading cadres of provincial management“12个重大问题”,Better coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, better coordinate development and security, vigorously boost market confidence, focus on stabilizing growth, stabilizing employment and stabilizing prices, effectively prevent and resolve major risks, and take the comprehensive construction of the central city of southern Shanxi as the guide, in-depth implementation"1236" development ideas, to promote high-quality development, to achieve a steady improvement in quality and rapid growth in quantity, and strive to write a comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country Houma chapter。

今年全市经济社会发展的主要预期目标是:地区生产总值增长8.We will increase industrial added value by more than 20%, fixed asset investment by about 11%, and total retail sales of consumer goods by 7.7%.General public budget revenue will increase by around 7%, and the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents will basically keep pace with economic growth。各项约束性指标按要求全面完成。

实现上述目标要牢牢把握The general tone of "seeking progress while maintaining stability" and the general requirements of "riding the trend",重点抓好以下八个方面工作。

一是坚定不移推进转型升级。进一步优化经济结构,持续壮大The main enterprise camp of the "5+N" chain will create a professional town with characteristics and effectively transform and upgrade the industry引领区域经济高质量发展。

突出“成链集群”。With Jianbang as the chain leader, accelerate the construction of new material industry agglomeration, build a national production base for high-end equipment and new materials, and invest2.The 400 million yuan air separation oxygen production project was completed and put into operation in July, and the first phase of the high-end equipment new material project with an investment of 1.5 billion yuan was invested in 1.The 200 million yuan Jianshengyuan steel circular economy Industrial Park smart storage project was completed and put into operation in April, and the total output value of the industrial chain this year strives to exceed 5 billion yuan。以中信机电As the chain master, accelerate the construction of intelligent manufacturing industrial clusters, strengthen special vehicles, promote the integrated development of military and civilian industrial sectors, and build a provincial demonstration base for military and civilian integration industry一期项目全面达产达效,投资1.05亿元的中信机电金属复合材料项目10Put into production in October, and strive to reach the total output value of the industrial chain this year50亿元。With Zhengda as the chain owner, accelerate the construction of new building materials industry clusterTo create a leading new building materials industry base in the province, promote Zhengda high frequency straight seam welded steel pipe project to release production capacity, and strive to break through the total output value of the industrial chain this year80亿元。North copper as the chain master, accelerate the construction of deep copper processing industrial cluster, create the province's largest copper industrial base, North copper copper concentrate comprehensive recovery project 9月份投产,明年产值突破100亿元。With Wanglong as the main chain, accelerate the construction of Chinese herbal medicine industry cluster, promote the integrated development of the first, second and third industries, and build a professional town of traditional Chinese medicine health care.Accelerate the Wanglong Chinese herbal medicine industry chain project,今年新开设"Wanglong Pharmacy" national chain store 500, industrial chain output value strive to reach more than 1 billion yuan, built into Linfen city level key professional town;By 2025, the cluster income will reach 3 billion yuan, and the provincial key professional town will be built。With Dongxin, Tangrong and other auto parts enterprises as the basis, cultivate and build the specialty town of auto parts,东鑫高端球铁件数字化生产线项目7月份投产,积极争取山东浩信“汽车零部件产业园”项目签约落地,今年专业镇总产值争取达到1 billion yuan, and strive to be included in Linfen municipal professional town cultivation database。

突出“数字引领”。抢抓发展数字经济的"Tuyere", to promote the integration of manufacturing, service and other key areas。Make every effort to improve the level of digital foundation, launch the "lighthouse factory" creation action,建设数字化车间2家、“5G+工业互联网”融合应用项目2个,新增5G基站120个。全力提升数智赋能水平,深入推进“两化”融合,Accelerate the industrial Internet platform to enable equipment manufacturing, new materials, non-ferrous smelting, pharmaceutical manufacturing and other industries;Give full play to the demonstration and driving role of Fanglou Yellow River Golden Triangle Industrial products trading center, emerging textile City, Xinghou multimodal transport, Zhentong Cloud Technology and other enterprises,Accelerate e-commerce, smart logistics, data annotation and so on代服务业发展;强力推进乡村e镇建设,加快打造"Industry + e-commerce + supporting" sustainable development of e-commerce ecosystem。We will make every effort to improve the level of digital intelligence governance, promote the implementation of the e-government external network speed up project, and improve the cloud network and other infrastructure support and network security capabilities.Multi-channel expansion of the "OneNetcom Office", smart approval and application,Improve the digital, intelligent and convenient level of government services;Accelerate progress投资1.Construction of smart traffic management projects worth 6.7 billion yuan, and actively planning smart city infrastructure projects。Strive to improve the economic level of the platform, encourage the development of intelligent logistics platforms and e-commerce platforms, JuHouyuan network freight platform to reach the system, and strive to exceed 500 million yuan in annual revenue。At the same time, we will actively develop cutting-edge industries such as meta-universe, blockchain, artificial intelligence, especially ChatGPT applications, and accelerate the creation of leading enterprises, cutting-edge technologies, and high-end products。

突出“龙头带动”。We made every effort to keep grain and cultivated land stable, and the annual grain planting area remained stable at22.73万亩以上,力争完成9100亩高标准农田建设,持续增强粮食高产稳产能力。全力加强项目带动,总投资1 billion yuan of smart agriculture approved the whole industry chain project年内开工建设;总投资200 million yuan red flame chili industry chain project, by the end of the year完成2000 square meters of smart storage construction, to achieve an output value of 400 million yuan, while vigorously发展Red flame chopped pepper prepared vegetables, this year to build a production workshop, toBy 2024, the output value will reach 50 million yuan;The whole industry chain project of Jinnan cattle in Maozhou will accelerate the construction of supporting facilities for intelligent breeding.The whole industry chain project of Beiwu Cherry completed the construction of supporting facilities of 200 mu standardized production demonstration park丰润达光伏发电项目年内竣工投产启动农业龙头产业培育工程,A number of special agricultural projects such as "Earth optimization" mushroom intelligent manufacturing industry chain enabling, Xin Honghao million layer chicken breeding base加快建设,全年新增省级示范联合体1个,临汾市龙头企业2个绿色认证”品牌1个。We will strive to strengthen the collective economy and continue to standardize the management of rural collective assets, resources and funds, aiming at more than 40%村集体经济年收入达到More than 300,000 yuan, more than 70% of the village operating income has steadily increased。

突出“消费回暖”。在批零业方面,大力发展"Headquarters economy" "Building economy", the introduction of trade logistics industry encouragement policy,促进批发业销售收入持续提升进一步促进消费提升,扎实开展The "Year of Boosting Consumption" activities will promote the consumption of large items such as new energy vehicles and home appliances, and make good contact with retail, catering, cultural tourism and accommodationConsumption;Further prosperity of the business district economy, accelerate the construction of the East city growth pole economic circle, constantly active Xintian Square food leisure economic circle, railway station daily merchandise clothing wholesale economic circle, light industry city cultural play shoes and hats economic circle of the consumer market, cultivate and expand more consumption hot spots, consumption scenes;To further activate the night economy,培育建设品牌Commercial streets and characteristic pedestrian streets attract a number of retail, catering, leisure and entertainment businesses to settle in, and constantly improve the city's performance“烟火气”。In the transportation industry, vigorously develop smart logistics, formulate preferential policies for network freight platform enterprises, and encourage the development and growth of enterprises such as Juhouyuan network freight platform;加快编制物流发展规划,持续优化物流布局,新建邮件处理中心。In the real estate industry, we will firmly implement policies and measures to support housing purchases and meet people's demand for housing.We will intensify supervision of the real estate market, strengthen management of funds, corporate credit and property services in the real estate sector, and effectively prevent risks in the real estate market。In the financial sector, we will guide financial institutions to take the initiative to provide services to enterprises, increase the scale of financing, expand credit supply, address the capital needs of enterprises for production, operation and project construction, promote the sustained development of the real economy, and strive to break through the balance of deposits and loans throughout the year520亿元大关,增速15%以上。

Fellow Deputies,Industrial transformation and upgrading is the top priority in promoting high-quality development。We will closely follow the goal of transformation and upgrading, accelerate the formation of industrial chains and clusters, and promote steady qualitative improvement and rapid quantitative growth of economic development。

二是坚定不移推进项目建设。Everything around the project, everything staring at the project, focusing on the plan"Big", "good", "new", constantly set off a new wave of project construction。

毫不动摇推动项目建设。今年,我们谋划确定了90 key projects with a total investment of 35 billion yuan。It is necessary to continue to increase the full cycle service of the project and constantly strengthen the supporting force of project construction。Further compaction responsibility, strict implementation of the leadership package, special class promotion, weekly meeting scheduling and other working mechanisms, timely coordination to solve the difficulties in project construction, blocking problemsMake every effort to ensure the timely progress and construction effectiveness of each project。进一步细化方案,用好"Three lists, one evaluation, one observation" project promotion mechanismReverse the construction period, wall map operations, week to protect the month, month to protect the season, season to protect the year;Solid progress"Project construction Year" action, carry out the "three batches" activities, continue彰显项目建设的“侯马速度”“侯马质量”。Further strengthen the supervision, and implement monthly notification and quarterly assessment for project contracting units and element guarantee departments、年总评The assessment score reaches the excellent unit commendation incentiveAssessment ranking of the bottom of the exhortation interview, yellow card warning, red card adjustment。

精准发力实现招大引强。始终把招商引资作为第一要事。Give full play to the leading role of leaders, take the lead of leading cadres to attract investment, veteran cadres to help attract investment, enterprises to attract business,第三方委托Investment promotion and other ways to carry out investment promotion activities, the main leaders of the municipal government throughout the yearMore than 6 times, the main leaders of the development zone more than 12 times, effectively promote the formation of a strong atmosphere for everyone to attract investment and all employees to attract investment。Draw a good investment map, around the creation of seven industrial clusters, "5+N" 10 billion enterprise camp, characteristic professional town重点工作,用好“晋陕豫黄河金三角节点城市"The country's top 100 cities with the most investment potential" and other golden signs, play wellThe role of the development zone as the main battlefield and main position for attracting investment,Continuously improve the accuracy and success rate of investment promotion, effectively attract a number of large, leading and landmark projects, and achieve continuous rolling development。兑现好招商引资奖励,进一步完善The "business investment" incentive policy encourages enterprises to target investment around upstream and downstream, production, supply and marketing, large and medium-sized enterprises, and promotes more project signing, landing, production and efficiency。

多措并举强化要素保障。强化水资源保障,总投资6.The 1.5 billion yuan Longzi Temple water supply project in Fenxi Irrigation District began in June建设。强化用地要素保障,启用The delineation of the "three regions and three lines" will be completed within the yearWe will promote the transfer of land reserves throughout the year“标准地”4宗以上。Strengthen the project fund guarantee, in-depth analysis and research of the direction of national policy fund support, increase the tracking and docking of declared projects, and strive to strive for more than 300 million yuan of funds throughout the year。Strengthen the service guarantee of cultural relics, accelerate the completion of the revision of the Overall Plan for the Protection of the Sites of the Jin State in Houma, Shanxi Province, and do a solid job in the approval and tracking service of the project cultural relics。Strengthen the guarantee of energy factors, resolutely complete the energy consumption "double control" task issued by Linfen City, and the energy consumption of 10,000 yuan GDP decreased by 2%。

Fellow Deputies,Spring March is a good time for project construction。We will plan ahead, promote the special class, and strive to seize the progress, accurately grasp the investment, and seek projects in depthIn order to effectively form a rolling implementation, stubble promotion, continuous development of the project construction好态势、好格局、好效益

三是坚定不移推进深化改革。以更大的胆识、更高的起点,To promote reform and innovation again, let Houma Yong stand at the top of the tide and play the strongest voice of The Times。

多维度提升创新能力。坚持把创新作为第一驱动力,Promote the full coverage of research and development activities of industrial enterprises above the regulation, and deepen scientific and technological innovationReform of "unveiling the list", "horse racing system" and "milestone system",We will encourage enterprises to participate in regional collaborative innovation and research on key technologies,We will guide enterprises to increase R&D investment in various fields and chains,One new enterprise technology center above the provincial level, one double innovation base, and one public service platform for small and medium-sized enterprises were added,临汾市级双创基地1家。Accelerate the construction of Jianbang pilot pilot base, and add 2 provincial "specialized and special new" enterprises during the year.力争4 small and medium-sized enterprises to complete the shareholding transformation and listed in the "Jinxing board"。持续推动省校合作"12 bases", the city school cooperation "double thousand project" construction, solid development of "only gather Houma.·盟书未来”招才引智行动,用好人才新政17, strive to attract a group of leading scientific and technological talents and innovation teams back to Hou entrepreneurshipImplement the medium - and long-term youth development plan, deepen the construction of a youth-oriented city, constantly enhance Houma's attraction to young talents, and lead more young people to work hard and make achievements in Houma。

深层次推进重点改革。We will further promote the energy revolution, implement the Carbon Peak Houma Action in planned steps, promote market-based trading of energy use rights and carbon emission rights, continue to improve carbon sink capacity, and achieve a win-win situation for ecology and development。We will continue to promote market-oriented reform, increase awareness of the market, and attach importance to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation放宽市场准入,严格落实The "national list" management model breaks all kinds of hidden barriers创新市场监管,推进“双随机、一公开”监管常态化,包容审慎监管新业态模式,Tightening supervision directly relates to public safety and people's lives and health,To ensure the effective market with good regulation;Abide by market rules,We will improve the mechanisms for punishing dishonesty, encouraging trustworthiness, and repairing credit,Create a fair, orderly, standardized, transparent, honest and trustworthy market environment。同时,New breakthroughs were made in the reform of state assets, state-owned enterprises, agriculture and rural areas, and fiscal, taxation and financial sectors。

贴心式服务民营经济。坚持"Two unwavering", implement the "Provincial 30" to support the development of the private economy临汾37 ", accelerate the promotion of the transformation of enterprises, small upward regulation, and add 7 industrial enterprises in the regulation throughout the year, so that private entrepreneurs have more confidence in starting a business in Houma。The "Mayor's Breakfast Meeting + Afternoon Tea" is carried out frequently and regularly in a timely mannerUnderstand the difficulties and problems encountered in the development process of private enterprises, track them to the end and solve them in place, so that private entrepreneurs can feel more comfortable investing in Houma。持续加大入企纾困力度,开展好"Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Service Month" activities to achieve the centralized convergence and refinement of beneficial enterprise policiesQuasi-inquiry, active push, promote policy services from“企业找政策”The change of "policy to find enterprises" makes private entrepreneurs more comfortable to develop in Houma。Dare to make friends with entrepreneurs, platform, support and work for entrepreneurs坚持用好"Do not do things" reflects the window, on difficulties, retaliation against private entrepreneurs and damage to the private economyShow the environment of the behavior of heavy punishment, so that private entrepreneurs in Houma business more at ease。

Fellow Deputies,The innovator wins, the good reformer wins。We will always be the explorer, forerunner and contributor of innovation and reform, and resolutely break down barriers, break ice, and dredge points.With greater development results to show Houma people forge ahead and walk in the forefront奋进姿态

四是坚定不移推进外向经济Give full play to the city's geographical advantages, comparative advantages and industrial agglomeration advantages, strengthen regional exchanges and cooperation, integrate superior resources, expand development space, and constantly improve the development level of export-oriented economy。

加快打造“升级版”开发区。Straighten out the urban financial, administrative power and other management systems, and achieve"One plus one is greater than two or even greater."。促进The three parks develop in synergy, and Xiangyi Park focuses on intelligent manufacturing, equipment manufacturing,信创Industry, accelerate the planning of CITIC Electromechanical phase II project layout,Yuxian magnetoelectric high frequency transformer and electronic components production project10月底前建成投产Rixiang Technology watertight connector project will be completed and put into operation by the end of the yearHuinan park focuses on the layout of auto parts industry, Dongxin commercial vehicle disc brake project年底Put into operation;Houbei Park focuses on the layout of high-end equipment and new materials industry,建邦锻造新材料深加工项目年内开工建设晋元通5G智慧电力科技基地元工独立储能项目5月底实现投产。完善园区基础设施,谋划实施总投资5.9.5 billion yuan of park standard plant and infrastructure construction projects, this year建设3.58万平米标准厂房启动总长4.62公里的香邑浍南园5条道路建设。推动The transformation and upgrading of the park, relying on the industrial foundation and first-mover advantages of the national e-commerce base of the development zone, plans to build a credit and innovation industrial park, build a digital double innovation platform, attract and cultivate a number of Internet, digital platform and application enterprises, and actively guide the entity enterprises in the zone to transform and upgrade through digital empowerment, injecting new momentum for high-quality development。全年工业投资增速达到More than 20%, continue to maintain the province's development zone assessment of excellent grade。

加快打造“国家级”综保区。全力拓展The dry port type national logistics hub function actively attracts processing trade enterprises to settle in the park, make up the short board, forge the long board, and ensure the Linfen (Houma) comprehensive protection zone升级工作取得扎实成效。Rely on the strategy bonded logistics center, take the initiative to integrateThe Belt and Road Initiative and other major national strategies, the number of international train services reached more than 10;Accelerate the cultivation of export-oriented economic industrial clusters, and grasp the comprehensive cross-border e-commerce试验Major opportunities in the region, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional foreign trade enterprises, and enhance the total foreign trade economy;建设山西进Export bulk commodity distribution center, open up the inland two-way, land and sea mutual relief channel,推进国家多式联运示范工程,积极开发铁水快线(From railway station to coastal port, from railway station to inland port)、铁岸快线(铁路站至内陆边境口岸间), and vigorously develop the recycling transportation and construction"Global procurement, global production, global sales" international logistics network。We will support enterprises in continuously improving value-added services, specialty services and financial services, vigorously develop specialized logistics such as cold chain logistics and express logistics, and accelerate the formation of new economic growth points and poles.全年外贸进出口增长7%以上

加快打造“最优级”营商环境。全面打造“三无三可”营商环境,Strictly implement the "one seal management approval", "standard + commitment system", "lead + agent + special office + OneNetcom office" and other mechanisms,加快推进“一件事一次办”改革,实行许可事项“清单化”管理,Ensure that general industrial projects are fully committed to start without approval and land acquisition。Adhere to the principle of "four minus", the examination and approval time to the national minimum time, and strive to 65% of routine matters to meet the national minimum time。Create a "5-minute government service circle", give full play to the advantages of reform measures such as "city-wide", and "civil assistance, social security and medical insurance, registration and filing" and other matters for the convenience of the people should be "full" and "full";City and township level to establish a market subject service zone, the establishment7×24小When the convenience service point, the basic convenience service standardization construction township (street) reached50%、村(社区)达到30%。We will regularly carry out government, bank and enterprise docking and service activities to promote the rapid and vigorous development of market players, and strive to increase market players by more than 15% in the year。

Fellow Deputies,Open development, the wind is blowing, we will be more open vision, more open thinking, more open concept, to pursue development, promote development, and continue to strengthen the export-oriented economic development of new advantages!

是坚定不移推进城乡建设。Adhere to the integration of urban and rural development as an important entry point for county economic development, coordinate the promotion of urban renewal and rural revitalization, and constantly create a new pattern of urban-rural integration development。

加快城市内涵式发展。To build a more complete functional city, do a good job of landscape transformation on both sides of Xintian Road and facade renovation projects along the street, and timely start Chengwang Road and JinjuWest Road street facade renovation project, accelerate the construction of Antai home relocation house, continue to promote the Huibin communityThe renovation of 36 old residential areas, the planning and implementation of the infrastructure upgrading and renovation project in the Luxi area, and the continuous improvement of infrastructure, optimization of public services, and expansion of urban functions。To build a more beautiful park city, based on the "ancient capital of Jin State.·公园城市To accelerate the construction of nine Jin culture theme parks along Xintian Road, and complete the opening of the park in the first half of the year;To promote the implementation of the "Blooming Houma" project, and create a mutually glowing and vibrant landscaping system in the city, the urban green land rate has reached more than 40%。Build a "breathing" sponge city, speed up the completion of Hehuan Street, Wangqiao Street, Haijun Street and other roads rain and pollution diversion renovation project, optimize drainage zoning, improve drainage system, prevent urban waterlogging, to meet the needs of urban construction and industrial development。Construction of a more convenient hub city, Xuefu Road, Tongbei Street and other east city network construction completed at the end of July, Daxi high speed railway station house expansion project 5月底报请验收,Road construction projects such as the re-routing of 108 National Highway were accelerated, and the "Zhengzhou-Jiyuan-Houma" high-speed railway and "Jincheng-Hancheng-Houma" intercity railway projects were actively implemented as soon as possibleTo further enhance the carrying capacity and radiation of the central city in southern Shanxi。

提升农村全覆盖水平。实施农村生活污水治理工程落实2025年先行示范县创建目标,农村生活污水治理率达到50%以上,This year, we will focus on the completion of domestic sewage treatment projects in Niu Village and NanZhangli Village实施四好农村路建设工程,Combine important logistics park, chain main enterprise and rural industry in our city布局,投资3000万元Step by step, the implementation of Xixiang Line, highway renovation and road construction in Dananzhuang Industrial Park and other projects。实施数字乡村建设工程,到2025年完成我市所有行政村Full coverage of 5G signal, this year focus on promoting the Dalixincun digital village pilot project, the implementation of communication operation units settled in the township (office) territorial office。To implement the construction project of the elderly service system, by 2025, 15 community comprehensive service centers and 68 rural stations will be set up in urban and rural areas to complete the construction of the urban-rural integrated elderly service system. This year, we will focus on doing the preliminary work of the project and promote the implementation of the project as soon as possible。

Fellow Deputies,The integrated development of urban and rural areas is an inherent requirement of people-centered development。We will continue to promote integrated urban and rural planning, development and management, so that urban and rural development will be more coordinated, fuller and more balanced.

是坚定不移推进文旅融合。Adhere to the culture to shape tourism, tourism to highlight the culture, promote the deep integration of culture and tourism development, so that Houma's cultural heritage more profound, the people more confident。

深入发掘历史文化资源。传承开发侯马盟书、乐圣师旷、Tai Tai water and other new fields of human history, accelerate the promotion of Houma Jin state site·盟誓遗址保Implement the protection and exhibition project, do a good job in the development and publicity of Jin Archaeological Site Park, Tai Tai Temple tourism, Xiangyi Lake tourism and other projects, and promote Xintian Jin culture and alliance book to the province and the whole countryCulture, Peng Zhen former residence red culture, etc., display新田文化精彩、激活晋文化符号、讲好侯马故事,不断提升我市Cultural tourism brand awareness, reputation and influence。

加快打造精品文旅线路。We will coordinate the development of tourism distribution centers for high-speed railway stations, characteristic neighborhoods, and rural tourism demonstration villages, and build high-standard guesthouses, tea bars, book bars, and cafes啡吧,打造“雅致侯马”;加快推进建邦紫金山康养旅游等项目实施,推动Construction of 1-2 provincial rural tourism demonstration villages and tourism resorts;vigorous谋划Houma Mengshu national tour exhibition, the preface held museum day, tourism day, intangible heritage Day festival activities,编制1-2个文艺精品推出1-2 boutique tourist routes integrating research, traditional culture and red culture,Enhance tourists' sense of experience, prosper the cultural tourism consumption market, and drive the development of tourism economy。

活跃丰富群众文化生活。持续加大文明城市创建力度,以“星级文明户”创评工作为抓手,Promote the continuous improvement of rural culture;Solid implementation of Linfen City ninth national moral model candidate recommendation and "Houma good man" selection work,Launch a number of advanced models with distinctive characteristics of The Times, typical and exemplary;Constantly polish the "good base tells good story" brand,用好用活红色文化资源,We will strengthen the protection and utilization of red heritage sites, revolutionary cultural relics and memorial facilities,推进爱国主义教育基地提档升级。We will continue to carry out brand activities such as "two sections" and "Summer holiday", further promote the national fitness strategy, accelerate the construction of intelligent and multi-functional fitness venues in the National Fitness Center (old gymnasium), and strive for the host of the Southern and Northern regions of the China Basketball OpenTake the right to take the initiative to hold the National darts Competition, China small Basketball League and other events, so that there are wonderful events every month, so that the cultural life of the masses is richer, more active and more quality。

各位代表!Profound historical and cultural resources are our foundation, confidence and confidence. We should make every effort to promote the integrated development of culture and tourism.让蕴藏在新田沃土上的文化资源“活”起来,让文旅产业“火”起来!

七是坚定不移守牢底线红线。We should firmly foster an overall approach to national security and ecological progress, strengthen bottom-line thinking, innovate in social governance, and continue to foster a beautiful, harmonious and stable environment for development。

永续保障“一泓清水入黄河”。把省委确定的The project of "One clean water into the Yellow River" is the "No. 1 project" which draws the city to make up the short board of environmental infrastructure and is promoted with emphasis汾河侯马段综合治理工程浍河生态修复工程、雨污分流改造工程等项目建设特别是要抓好浍河污染治理,强化专班推进,We will prevent and control water pollution, clean and dredge river channels, and promote rural life污水治理三大能力提升行动全面改善浍河水质,力争浍河国考断面水质达到Ⅲ类标准为实现"A flood of water into the Yellow River" makes a positive "Houma Contribution"。

全力守好生态保护红线。深入实施工业深度治理A退DAction, resolutely implement the control of industrial sources, dust sources, non-point sources, and mobile sources, and accelerate the construction of energy saving and carbon reduction technology transformation project of Houma Thermal Power PlantAccelerate the pace of garbage trucks to replace electric vehicles, promote the replacement of green engineering vehicles, encourage the promotion of new energy vehicles, and strive to achieve air quality by the end of the year临汾排名“退倒三”目标。Strict dynamic adjustment management of cultivated land soil environmental quality categories, improve soil pollution status investigation and assessment management water平,玖辉环保生物可降解塑品HSBC building materials construction waste recycling project年内竣工投产。At the same time, continue to increase the greening of Zijinshan, advocate green and low-carbon travel, so that"Healthy travel" and "green travel" have become the new fashion pursued by citizens。

持续筑牢安全生产底线。扎实开展安全生产“三个年”活动全面提升本质安全水平。Strictly implement the responsibility for production safety, implement special provisions,领导包联安全生产、Safety experts and other systems, the development of safety production quantitative accountability measures, strict and heavy accountability。进一步We will improve the emergency rescue command system and the linkage mechanism for early warning and response, and accelerate the prevention of key disastersWe will build facilities, equipment and emergency response forces, increase material support, and effectively deal with accidents and disasters。"One picture, one account and four lists" is the starting point, highlighting the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in key industries such as hazardous chemicals, metallurgy, fire protection, building construction, urban and rural gas, forest fire prevention, and road traffic杜绝重特大事故、遏制较大事故、减少一般性事故、防止意外事故。

坚决守住社会稳定根本线。We will forestall and defuse major risks, strengthen early warning of debt risks, resolutely curb new hidden debt, prudently resolve outstanding debt, and resolutely prevent systemic problems区域性金融风险底线。We will further improve the effectiveness of supervision, and build a strong defense line for food and drug safety。坚持和发展新时代"Fengqiao experience", continue to carry out the system of good market leaders taking turns to receive visits and resolve key letters and visits cases, and effectively resolve the accumulation of letters and visits cases。We will strengthen the prevention and control system for public security, and regularly carry out special campaigns against crime and evil保证政治安全、社会安定、人民安宁。

Fellow Deputies,Environmental protection is the most inclusive livelihood, and safety is the prerequisite for development。我们将以"Always be at ease, everything is at ease" sense of responsibility, sense of mission, overall environmental protection, security and development, and strive to create a beautiful, harmonious, safe and stable生活环境、生产环境、社会环境

八是坚定不移推进民生改善。The spiritual realm and historical responsibility of "I will live up to the people without myself", continue to improve the well-being of the people's livelihood, and constantly meet the new expectations and pursuit of the people for a better life。

全面提高教育服务水平。持续推进Construction of "three schools and five parks" to improve the coverage of public kindergartens, Zhang village kindergarten opened in September to enroll students, Shifu Road kindergarten, Dongcheng kindergarten completed by the end of the year, Zijinshan second primary kindergarten新育英幼儿园完成前期手续办理东城小学、新二中上半年开工建设,紫金山二小加快前期工作,We will move from basic and balanced compulsory education to quality and balanced educationWe will implement the new college entrance examination reform policy and improve the level and teaching quality of regular high schools.力争高考二本(B)达线率实现新提高,考取The number of "double first-class" schools has achieved new growth, and students admitted to elite schools in northern Qing have achieved new breakthroughs。Strengthen school-enterprise cooperation, the integration of production and education, do professional disciplines, do 2-3 characteristic backbone majors around the county's leading industries, and constantly improve the application and service level of vocational educationStrive to build Houma into a high-quality education city in southern Shanxi。

全面提高医疗服务水平。按照The requirement of "health protection and prevention of severe diseases", multi-source monitoring, early detection, prevention and response to the risk of epidemic occurrence;Optimize the setting of fever clinics in the city, scientifically use the existing 40 intensive care beds and 1,340 shelter beds, and expand medical supplies reserves抓好养老院、福利院中小学等重点场所防We will strengthen the protection of key groups such as elderly people living alone, minors, and patients with chronic diseases, and maintain the public health defense line。Strengthen the management of public hospitals, the municipal people's hospital and the Chinese hospital in the whole国考核排名在On the basis of 2022, we will advance to 10 places, and strive to complete the comprehensive building of traditional Chinese Medicine hospital within the year。Strengthen the construction of medical treatment capacity, take the integrated construction of medical institutions in counties and townships as the main line, and promote the sinking of medical resources和医保救助Build a solid grass-roots medical and health service network, and improve the township and village medical treatment service capacity。

全面提高就业服务水平。不断优化人才服务环境,To provide intelligent, convenient and accurate services for enterprises and talents,制定有针对性的创业扶持政策,In particular, the focus is on college graduates, retired military personnel, and people with employment difficulties,We will vigorously carry out service projects such as skills training, employment assistance, and social support,确保重点群体稳定就业。全年完成职业技能提升培训6500人,农村劳动力转移4800人,登记失业率控制在4.5%以内。

全面提高社会保障水平。以创建"Provincial juvenile protection Demonstration County" as the carrier, accurately help children in distress, left-behind children and other minors, and promote the city's "uninsured" work to a new level。健全覆盖全民、统筹城乡A sustainable multi-level social security system, the implementation of accurate expansion of social insurance, classified implementation of insurance subsidy policies,Let the needy groups truly feel the warmth of the party and the government, and feel the temperature of Houma City

Fellow deputies, this year, we will further increase financial input and make good use of it“小切口”,促进“大民生”,全力办好“十件惠民实事”:投资10 million yuan, for the township (office) health center (health service center)购置医疗设施备,提高基层医疗服务水平。开展新生儿三项疾病免费筛查工作,提升新生儿健康水平。建设至少It is a public demonstration child care institution with 100 places。新增三所公办幼儿园。新建1所120张床位的敬老院。Promote Houma's gig market to improve standards and quality, and create new jobs throughout the year6000人以上。建设10 agricultural product quality and safety traceability points to ensure food safety for the masses。升级改造廉政公园、文昌园等8个老旧游园4月份全部开园全年“免费送戏下乡”60余场。完成新田路、程王路片区More than 20 backstreets and alleys have been renovated to continuously renew the city's appearance and facilitate people's travel。

At the same time, we will steadily carry out national defense mobilization and double support activities, do a good job in auditing, statistics, civil air defense, meteorology, archives, ethnic and religious affairs, foreign affairs and overseas Chinese affairs, and support trade unions, the Communist Youth League, women's federations, disabled persons' federations, the Federation of Arts and Culture, the Association of Science and Technology, the Family Planning Association, the Red Cross and other mass organizations to better play their roles。


各位代表,大道至简,实干为要。市政府将紧盯全年目标,狠抓执行落实,攻坚克难、奋勇争先、担当作为,全力Shoulder the responsibilities and missions entrusted by the Party and the people。

坚持政治为先,筑牢忠诚之魂。始终把政治建设摆在首位,刻领悟“两个确立”的决定性意义,增强“四个意识”,坚定“四个自信”,做到“两个维护”The Party's leadership permeates all areas and the whole process of government work.深入学习贯彻落实党的二十大精神,纵深推进习近平总书记考察调研山西重要讲话重要指示在侯马落地生根、开花结果To promote the central, provincial, Linfen City and the municipal committee of the decision to implement the detailed deployment, effective results。

坚持法治为要,恪守为政之道。深入贯彻习近平法治思想,扎实推进“八五”普法,严格依法高效履职。Consciously accept the legal oversight of the People's Congress, the democratic oversight of the CPPCC, and the oversight of public opinion, and handle the suggestions of NPC deputies and CPPCC members with high quality, so that everything has an answer and everything has a proper outcome。严格规范公正文明执法不断提升行政执法规范化水平深化政务公开,不断We will increase the transparency and credibility of the government and let power be exercised in the sunshine。

坚持民生为本,常怀为民之心。坚持“人民政府为人民”,始终站稳人民立场,树牢“人民中心”理念,大兴调研之风,深入一线、深入群众、深入基层,用心We will work hard to ensure people's employment, education, social security, medical care, and old-age careThe problem of "urgent difficulties and worries" is to write more warm livelihood answers with more down-to-earth work results, and constantly improve the happiness, sense of gain and security of the people。

坚持实干为基,增进务实之风。Do not seek refuge, justice does not escape responsibility, with the spirit of struggle to meet the challenge, with fast and hard work to create new color。狠抓We will make innovations in the implementation of government work. We will use market awareness, rule of law thinking, and digital concepts to guide innovation in governance and service models, and promote the implementation of government work and see results。狠抓We will make overall plans for implementation, and promote systematic planning, overall promotion, and checklist management of work。狠抓Implementation of quality and efficiency, strict precision and exquisite standards, enhance professional literacy, temper strict style, to the end, good work good。

坚持廉洁为纲,绷紧纪律之弦。We will thoroughly implement the requirements for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, improve Party conduct and clean government in all government systems, strictly implement the spirit of the Central Committee's eight-point regulations and the rules for their implementation, and continue to strengthen oversight and management of key areas and areas。坚持勤俭节约,严控We will deepen reform of the budget management system, effectively reduce general expenditures and non-urgent and non-rigid expenditures, make better use of limited financial resources to promote high-quality development and improve people's well-being, and effectively exchange the government's "tight days" for "stable days" for market players and "good days" for the people.。

Fellow Deputies,Unity can win, struggle to create the future。让我们更加紧密团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神,在市委的坚强领导下,踔厉奋发、笃行不怠,埋头苦干、勇毅前行,为谱写全面建设社会主义现代化国家“侯马篇章”而团结奋斗!

1.战新产业:Based on major technological breakthroughs and major development needs, strategic emerging industries with great growth potential play a major leading role in the overall economic and social development and long-term development。

2.“专精特新”:“专”就是“专业化”,Focus on an industry, specialize in several products, specialize in serving a class of customers, concentrate on developing some areas;"Fine" means "fine management",Excellent product or service quality, excellence of work style,Streamlined and efficient management systems and processes;"Special" means "unique or better",即抓住客户特点,形成自己的特色,Such as product characteristics, service characteristics, etc."New" means "innovation",To new design, new products, new styles, new packaging, new image, etc,不断满足客户的新需求。

3.“小巨人”:It is recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to focus on market segments, strong innovation ability, high market share, master the key core technology, quality and efficiency of the leading enterprises。

4.多式联运:Refers to the transport process of connecting and transferring two or more means of transport to jointly complete the transport of goods, usually with containers as the transport unit, organically combining different modes of transport to form a continuous and comprehensive integrated transport of goods。

5.“标准地”:That is, in the urban development boundaries determined by the territorial spatial planning, in the areas with land supply conditions, the regional evaluation of the land for new industrial projects should be completed first, the control indicators should be set, and the basic conditions of water, electricity, roads, land leveling and other basic conditions necessary for the project to start development can be transferred to state-owned construction land。

6.“四上”企业:It refers to industrial enterprises above designated size, construction enterprises of qualification level, wholesale and retail housing and catering enterprises above designated size, and national key service enterprises。

7.“冬季行动”:2022年11月24日,Linfen Municipal People's Government Office issued the Work Plan on Carrying out "Winter Action" in the municipal government System,Our city focuses on project construction, industrial development, bottom line tasks, and improvement of people's livelihood,We set up 26 specialized work classes on production safety and the cultivation of market players,We will work for a good government in 2022 and a good start in 2023。

8.“承诺制+标准地+全代办”:It refers to the commitment system of enterprise investment projects, the standardization of project land supply, and the leading agency of investment project construction。

9.“111”创新工程:That is, we will strive to break through a number of key core technologies and common technologies, strive to build a number of laboratories and pilot bases, and strive to cultivate a number of high-tech leading enterprises。


11.“千县工程”:By 2021-2025, at least 1,000 county hospitals will reach the level of medical service capacity of tertiary hospitals。

12.“创A退D”:In the autumn and winter air pollution control enterprise performance classification work, actively createA、B级企业,D级企业清零。

13.“一图一账四清单”:"One map" is the major investigation and rectification of security risks;"One account" is the major investigation of security risks and hidden dangers.The "four lists" are the log list, the hidden dangers list, the rectification list, and the acceptance list。


15.“12个重大问题”:① transformation and development;(2) Pilot comprehensive reform of energy revolution;(3) Coal production increase and supply guarantee and sustainable development of coal industry;(4) Key points and emphases of economic work;⑤ lay the foundation for long-term interests of major events;Food production and improving agricultural efficiency;⑦ Do a good job of water;Strengthening comprehensive environmental management;(9) Promoting urbanization with county towns as an important carrier;⑩ Strengthen support for education, science and technology and human resources;Better leverage the leading role of Taiyuan and Datong in the province's high-quality development;Further deepen reform and opening-up on all fronts。

16.专业镇:是以县(City, district) is the basic geographical unit, the leading industry is relatively concentrated, the economic scale is large, the degree of professional support and cooperation is high economic form, is the basic form of cluster economy。

17.“灯塔工厂”:被誉为"The most advanced factory in the world", the exemplary "digital manufacturing" and "globalization 4.The 0 "demonstrator represents the highest level of intelligent manufacturing and digitalization in today's global manufacturing sector。

18.“两化”融合:That is, the high-level and in-depth combination of informatization and industrialization。

19.乡村e镇:In a certain region, based on industry, with the deep integration of e-commerce as the core, and supported by supporting services, it has a clear industrial positioning and the development space platform based on Internet application。

20.ChatGPT:Is a natural language processing tool powered by artificial intelligence technology,Be able to communicate by understanding and learning human language, and interact according to the context of the chat, really like a human to chat and communicate, and even complete the writing of emails, video scripts, copywriting, translation, code, and writing papers。

21.“楼宇经济”:It refers to an intensive and high-density economic form with commercial buildings, functional blocks and regional facilities as the main carriers, and the purpose of developing and leasing buildings to introduce various enterprises, introduce tax sources, and drive regional economic development。

22.“三清单、一考评、一观摩”:"Three lists", that is, the list of completed projects and put into use, the list of procedures and start time of projects not started, and the list of text survey;"One evaluation", that is, every quarter to the project resumption, procedures and other elements of the guarantee and implementation of the main evaluation;"At a glance", i.e每季度对重大项目进行观摩。


24.七大产业集群:Based on the industrial advantages of Houma, the development and expansion of equipment manufacturing, military-civilian integration, modern logistics, traditional Chinese medicine health care, precision processing, auto parts and science and technology innovation“七大产业集群”。

25.“三区三线”:According to the agricultural space, ecological space, urban space three areasRespectively corresponding to the delineated cultivated land and permanent basic farmland protection red line, urban development boundary, ecological protection red line three control lines。

26.“里程碑制”:Reduce all kinds of process assessment, inspection, spot check, audit, etc., integrate the work of science and technology management and material submission links, and achieve a multi-purpose form。

27.“12大基地”:College student practice and training base, college student employment and entrepreneurship base, college research platform extension base, college scientific and technological achievements transformation base, think tank cooperation base, college quality student source base, red education and national conditions education base, college student joint training base, college cadre and talent training base, alumni investment and talent base, college agricultural product supply base, skill service talent training base。

28.“双千工程”:用三年左右的时间在全市新引进More than 1,000 high-level talents and 1,000 listed school cooperation projects。

29.“双随机、一公开”监管:在监管过程中随机抽取检查Objects, randomly selected law enforcement inspectors, random inspection and investigation results to the public in a timely manner。

30.“三无三可”营商环境:"Three nots", that is, no difference, barrier-free, no worries, "three can", can be expected, reliable,可发展的营商环境。

31.“四减”原则:That is, reduce materials, reduce links, reduce time limits, reduce times。

32.“三个年”:即安全生产"Capacity improvement year, system construction year, hidden danger investigation and rectification year"。

33.“枫桥经验”:是指In the early 1960s, Zhuji County, Zhejiang Province (now诸暨市The experience of "mobilizing and relying on the masses, insisting on not handing over contradictions, solving them locally, and achieving fewer arrests and better public security" created by the cadres and masses of Fengqiao Town。

34.新生儿三项疾病:Hereditary metabolic diseases phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, adrenal hyperplasia。

35.三所公办幼儿园:Zhangcun Office central Kindergarten, Shifu Road kindergarten, Dongcheng kindergarten。



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