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The 2018 Government Work Report

2018-04-08 Source: Houma City Government Office

  Report on government work


  -- The 16th People's Congress in Houma on April 8, 2018

  At the third meeting


  City people's government mayor Duan Huigang


Fellow Deputies,

  Now, on behalf of the Municipal People's Government, I would like to present my work report to the General Assembly for your deliberation and approval。

  I. Review of the work in 2017

  2017年,市人民政府认真学习贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,Under the strong leadership of Houma Municipal Committee,Unite and lead the city's cadres and masses,Overcome difficulties and take on responsibilities,Vigorously promote the "five major city strategy" and "four Houma" construction goals,The city's economic and social development has shown a good trend of stability and progress。

  -- Economic strength continues to grow。The city's gross regional product completed 103.600 million yuan, breaking through the 10 billion yuan mark, an increase of 6.9%, higher than the average growth rate of Linfen City.Four percentage points;General public budget revenue completed 4.0.9 billion yuan, 103 of the assessment target of Linfen City.4%, achieving positive growth;The added value of industrial enterprises above designated size was 12.4.6 billion yuan;Investment in fixed assets completed 28.9.7 billion yuan, an increase of 25 percent year-on-year.7%, 18 percent higher than the average growth rate of Linfen City.Eight percentage points;Total retail sales of consumer goods were 87.4.4 billion yuan, an increase of 7.3%;The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents reached 27,294 yuan and 14,073 yuan respectively, an increase of 6 percent year-on-year.1%、6.8%。All indicators increased steadily, economic development continued to gain momentum, and new progress was made in completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects。

  -- The process of new-type industry has been accelerated。Actively guide enterprises to adapt to and participate in the supply-side structural reform, the pace of cluster development of the automotive equipment manufacturing industry led by Tangrong Group has accelerated, product quality and innovation ability of enterprises have been continuously improved, and market competitiveness and market share have been greatly improved。A number of new industrial projects have been rapidly promoted, and Tangrong bimetal composite brake drum project has been successfully financed through equity and debt 2.500 million yuan, 6 new production lines were completed and put into operation, and profits and taxes reached 40 million yuan that year, an increase of 70 percent.5%;Dongxin annual output of 2 million ductile iron crankshaft technical transformation, Wanglong Pharmaceutical production line technical transformation projects completed and put into operation;Construction of Haizhou Microbiological and Yitong LNG expansion projects began。Four enterprises, such as wind detonator mold and Zhongjin Machinery, have achieved "small rising regulations", Jianbang Group is the first in the same industry in the province to carry out futures hedging business, and Yitong shares have entered the main board market guidance period。The added value of the city's strategic emerging industries accounted for 4.55%, the added value of high-tech industries accounted for 13.8%。

  ——The commercial economy continues to flourish。The logistics pattern of "five parks and one center" was formed at a faster pace,Zhenelectrified business industrial Park express transfer center warehouse built and put into use,Modern logistics distribution platforms such as YTO and ZTO have been successfully settled;The main project of highway hub freight center is completed;Fang Strategy bonded logistics foreign goods terminal project 5 warehouses and 13 individual venues completed。The innovation and development of e-commerce, the rapid expansion of local brand e-commerce, and the radiation and influence of the "buy now" Red flame chili project in the surrounding area continue to increase。The traditional business market has been further upgraded, the occupancy rate of the emerging textile city and the Gold Diamond International Mall has reached more than 80%, and the Liyuan Star City has successfully attracted the house to settle in Houma。

  -- Steady development of modern agriculture。The agricultural industrial structure has been continuously optimized,A number of agricultural parks such as Fangcao Xiang, Hongman, and Ruihe edible fungi have developed rapidly,The construction of a number of planting and breeding bases such as Qingchuang Farm, Jinnan Yellow cattle, and Jinmu automatic laying hens was accelerated,Newly developed characteristic vegetables, fruits, Chinese medicinal materials, etc. 7540 mu,There are 17 leading agricultural enterprises in the city,21 family farms,There were 408 farmers' cooperatives。Construction of high-standard farmland in Beizhuang and Taiqin was carried out smoothly。Total annual grain production 9.2万吨。Rapid progress in land ownership confirmation, 97.Three percent of rural households have signed rural land contracts, and the tasks of determining ownership have basically been completed。

  -- The project has achieved remarkable results。Strengthen precise investment, has been organized to Xiongan New Area, Handan, Qingdao, Hangzhou and other developed areas, docking and attracting projects。Successfully held and co-organized investment promotion meetings in Shanghai, Tianjin and Taiyuan, and successfully landed a number of emerging industry projects such as Zhengda Manufacturing Management in Hebei, Yuanda Assembly PC Factory in Changsha, and Northern Chuangxin New building Materials。In-depth implementation of the "Project acceleration year" activities, identified at the beginning of the year 66 key projects, 40 resumed construction, 17 completed and put into operation, completed investment 23.2.8 billion yuan, creating new driving forces for economic development。

  -- Key reforms continued to deepen。We will vigorously promote four national pilot projects。The pilot work of new urbanization has been orderly promoted with the focus on the implementation of "six full coverage" in urban and rural areas, and our city has been rated as one of the top 100 counties (cities) in terms of the quality of new urbanization in the country.。The comprehensive pilot work of modern service industry, Linfen Houma Comprehensive Free Trade Zone has been reported to The State Council for approval, Fangli Bonded Logistics has been identified as a national multimodal transport demonstration project enterprise, and the China-Europe freight trains sent from Fangli dry port to European countries have successfully started, realized normal operation, and become an important engine for integration into the "Belt and Road"。We introduced preferential policies to support migrant workers and other workers who returned to their hometowns to start businesses, and created 1,830 jobs。The national healthy city pilot work, the establishment of public hospital management committee, the formation of Houma medical Group, covering the city's "ten minutes fitness circle" initially formed。Steady progress has been made in the reform of the collective forest rights system, the reform of state-owned enterprises, especially the reform of the "three supply and one business", the demonstration county of entrepreneurship and innovation bases for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, and the national standardization pilot of government service centers。

  -- Urban and rural development will advance in coordination。We actively promoted balanced development between urban and rural areas, and accelerated the pace of infrastructure construction. The west extension of the North Ring Road was completed and opened to traffic. The North extension of Haijun Street, the east extension of Textile Alley, and the North and South Roads of Times Square are under construction.A total of 20 kilometers of rainwater pipe networks were built and 20 kilometers of rainwater and sewage pipe networks were renovated。Central heating was provided in 18 villages, and 1.5 million square meters of heating area was added in urban and rural areas.Rural natural gas management network added 10.5 km;Urban tap water coverage in rural areas reached 65%;The pace of urban and rural garbage integrated treatment projects has been accelerated, and cleaning and garbage removal services will soon be unified。Strong implementation of urban and rural environmental sanitation centralized improvement, and successfully passed the national health city review and acceptance。

  -- Improving the ecological environment。We will make every effort to fight the battle against air pollution, highlight the in-depth treatment of enterprises, comprehensively regulate scattered pollution enterprises, comprehensively prevent and control non-point source pollution, eliminate coal-fired boilers, and promote clean heating. The number of days with air quality above grade II in the year is 284 days (of which grade I days are 22 days), accounting for 77 of the total monitoring days.8%, exceeded Linfen City issued 72.4% target。Continue to improve the quality of water environment, establish and perfect the river chief system organization system, Linfen City surface water environment management site will be successfully held in our city。We will give priority to greening and increase urban green areas by 200,000 square meters。

  -- Integrated development of cultural tourism。Guided by the development of global tourism, we successfully held a series of themed activities of "Jindu Xintian Cultural Tourism Season" and a collection of creative activities of "Painting Houma", a Chinese craft town。Actively build a cultural and creative incubation platform, start the national skills training, training more than 600 professional skills personnel, opening up a path for creating a "technology capital"。Launched a number of representative literary and artistic masterpieces, the newly edited Pu opera modern drama "Cherry Blossom Blossom" as the only representative drama of the province to Beijing。A series of cultural activities such as "two festivals" and summer parties were successfully held, and 1,014 plays and films were sent to the countryside throughout the year, and the cultural and sports life of the masses was increasingly enriched。

  -- Improving people's well-being。Successfully passed the Ministry of Education's assessment of balanced compulsory education counties, invested 85 million yuan to transform and improve the infrastructure of weak schools, and equipped with education and teaching facilities and equipment;198 new teachers were recruited, and 857 of them reached the line of two college entrance examination (B) or above, with a rate of 50.23%。The pattern of city-township medical association has been basically completed, and high-quality medical resources have further sunk.Medical insurance for urban and rural residents has been integrated.Public hospitals have abolished drug markups, and 38% of family doctors have signed contracts。We will fully implement all social security policies, and provide urban and rural subsistence allowances, hardship allowances, and social assistance。We allocated 135 units of public rental housing, provided public rental housing subsidies of more than 1.8 million yuan, and renovated 125 dilapidated rural houses。

  It is particularly worth mentioning,Through the joint efforts of the people of the whole city,2017年,We adhere to the "six precise targets" of poverty alleviation, project arrangement, fund use, measures to households, people assigned to villages, and poverty alleviation results.,Give full play to the combat effectiveness of the leaders, units and work teams,We will work hard to implement all support measures,On the basis of the 117 households with 331 people lifted out of poverty in 2016, the remaining 319 households with 529 people were lifted out of poverty as scheduled,All the poor people in the city have completed the exit procedure,Successfully passed the municipal acceptance of Linfen,Linfen City took the lead in achieving comprehensive poverty alleviation,This has laid a solid foundation for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects。

  -- Overall social harmony and stability。The Party and the government share responsibilities,Continue to carry out a series of special rectification activities such as production safety inspection and hidden dangers investigation,Safety control over road traffic, metallurgical industry and trade, construction, fire fighting, hazardous chemicals, food and drugs continued to increase,The number of accidents and deaths were strictly controlled within the target range issued by Linfen City。By adhering to the system of receiving and visiting visits, various problems related to letters and visits have been actively and effectively resolved。We carried out the "Seventh Five-Year Plan" to popularize the law, steadily promoted the construction of the "Safe Houma", continued to deepen special operations such as the eradication of gangland and evil, and severely cracked down on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities, and the people's sense of security continued to increase。

  In the past year, the government's self-improvement has been strengthened。我们深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,贯彻落实全面从严治党部署要求,坚决执行中央、省、市委的决议决定,党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争持续加强。In-depth implementation of "speak politics, know awe, obey rules" special governance activities and "two learning and one doing" learning education normalization institutionalization, maintenance of core action theme education and other special activities, Party members and cadres "four consciousness" continues to strengthen。Strictly implement the "eight provisions", greatly promote the wind of research, persevere to correct the "four winds", and resolutely curb the "four winds" rebound and variation。We will strengthen audit oversight and inspection accountability。We exercised administration in accordance with the law, voluntarily accepted the legal oversight of the NPC and the democratic oversight of the CPPCC, and carefully handled 193 suggestions, motions, and proposals of deputies。Completed the construction and operation of the "13710" supervision system, mobile OA office platform and government external network, and further improved work efficiency。At the same time, new achievements have been made in statistics, civil air defense, ethnic and religious affairs, earthquake preparedness and disaster reduction, archives, municipal records, prices, aging, disabled persons' federations, and reserve service。

  Fellow deputies, one year of hard work, one year of tireless cultivation, and one year of fruitful results。These achievements are the result of the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and scientific decision-making, the result of the effective supervision and strong support of the municipal People's Congress and the Municipal CPPCC, the result of the diligent work of the majority of cadres day and night, and the result of the city's people working hard and forging ahead in unity。Here, on behalf of the municipal government, I would like to express my high respect and heartfelt thanks to the people of the city, the deputies to the People's Congress and the members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, personages without party affiliations and people's organizations, the Garrison, the armed police and all the friends from all walks of life who care about and support the development of Houma!

  Fellow deputies, we should never forget danger, and we should never forget sorrow。While seeing the achievements, we are also sobering aware that the foundation of our city's economic and social development is not yet solid enough, and the situation facing us in promoting high-quality development is still complex and difficult。First, the economy is not large enough,There are still not many good and large projects leading economic and social development,The foundation for sustainable increase in fiscal revenue is not solid,The task of building industrial "three places" is still very difficult;Second, the vitality of innovation is not enough, and the courage to reform is not large enough,The bottlenecks restricting development need to be further broken.Third, health care, education, elderly care, employment and other livelihood programs,There is still a big gap between them and the people's yearning for a better life.Fourth, the ecological and environmental protection situation is not optimistic,Some prominent problems of environmental pollution have not been effectively addressed.Fifth, the transformation of government functions has not been fully implemented,The consciousness of rule of law, responsibility and service of a few cadres is not strong enough,The phenomenon of inaction, slow action and fear of responsibility still exists。对此,We must take a highly responsible attitude towards the Party and the people,Take out the courage to open the road in the mountains and build Bridges in the water,Take out the spirit of innovation, hard work and pioneering spirit,Show the courage to defy difficulties and work hard,Take out when I do not wait, success does not have to be in my pride,Live up to expectations and fulfill the mission,With a new image, new actions, new achievements,To meet the expectations of the people of the city,Return the earnest trust of the people!

  2. Targets, tasks and priorities for 2018

  The year 2018 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and the implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan。

  The general requirements for the government's work this year are as follows:We will fully implement the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress, the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, and the national Two Sessions,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指引,Uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership,Adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability,Adhere to the fundamental requirements of high-quality development,We will continue to pursue supply-side structural reform,Adhere to the concept of people-centered development,Closely linked to the "five great Xing City strategy" and "four Hou Ma" construction,Vigorously promote reform and opening up,Promote quality change, efficiency change, power change,Promote better quality, more effective and more sustainable economic and social development。

  The main targets for this year's economic and social development are as follows:GDP growth of 7%;Increase general public budget revenue by at least 7%;The added value of industrial enterprises above designated size will increase by around 6%.Investment in fixed assets will increase by around 9%.Total retail sales of consumer goods will increase by around 7%.The disposable income of urban residents and rural residents increased by 6. 6 percent respectively.5%以上。Binding targets such as energy conservation and emission reduction to ensure the full completion of the annual tasks issued by Linfen City。

  Fellow deputies, we are at the starting point of a new era, at a critical stage of winning a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and at a critical stage of advancing high-quality development。The mission is glorious and sacred, and the responsibility is heavy and arduous。In order to achieve the goals set for this year and seek new breakthroughs in development, we must focus on key areas and achieve them"Eight holds"。

  First, we will continue to energize economic development by comprehensively deepening reform。Reform is the inexhaustible driving force for development, and further opening up is the only way forward for development。We must persist in solving problems in economic and social development with reform measures, innovative ideas and open thinking, and boldly explore key areas and major problems affecting the city's development and try first。

  We will deepen the four pilot reforms。The four national pilot programs are the golden signboard of promoting reform in our city。It is necessary to further improve the work plan, formulate annual action plans, and promote the pilot work to achieve new breakthroughs and achieve new results。In the comprehensive pilot work of new urbanization, we should speed up the construction of urban and rural infrastructure, focusing on continuing to implement the "six full coverage" projects, and promoting coordinated progress in urban and rural areas。The pilot comprehensive reform of the service sector was carried out in three areas: new logistics, new finance, and new manufacturing, and the development of the service sector was significantly improved。We strengthened support and training for returning migrant workers to start businesses, expanded the space for starting businesses, and created 300 new people to start businesses back home, creating 1,000 jobs。The healthy city pilot project has been fully launched, and 150 health demonstration sites have been built.The health Houma Cloud service platform project has been implemented, the national health management system has been established, and the health literacy level of residents has been greatly improved。

  We will continue to deepen key reforms。We will overcome institutional obstacles through reform and innovation in key areas。Resolutely in accordance with the central, provincial, Linfen city arrangements, actively and steadily do a good job of institutional reform。We comprehensively deepened the reform of the commercial system, continued to expand the coverage of the "integration of multiple certificates", and developed 3,100 new private enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households。Accelerate the national standardization pilot construction of government service centers, and ensure that the acceptance of the National Standards Committee is passed smoothly in June。Explore the establishment of industrial guidance and support funds, give full play to the leverage role of financial funds, prioritize projects that meet policies and involve government investment, and cooperate with private capital。Give full play to the policy advantages of direct provincial financial management of pilot counties, seize the policy opportunities for the growth of general transfer payments from the central government to local governments, especially in the central and western regions, actively docking with superior departments, and increase efforts to fight for more funds。Resident enterprises "three supply and one industry" separation and transfer work, involving 16 central enterprises, 6 provincial enterprises, 60 family areas, 24,538 households, this year focus on the implementation of funds, facilities transformation and transfer of assets and assets verification work, to ensure that the separation and transfer work is basically completed within the year。In the pilot work of the reform of the rural collective property rights system, we must speed up the formulation of implementation plans, and focus on completing the task of verifying collective assets through unified leadership of the city, taking the lead in agriculture and forestry departments, and specific operations of the township (office)。At the same time, we will start to complete the work of automobile reform in enterprises and public institutions, continue to steadily promote the reform work such as the state-owned forest farm system, and effectively welcome the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up with new achievements in reform。

  We will raise the level of opening-up on all fronts。Deeply integrate into the national development strategy of "One Belt and One Road", "Jinshan-Henan Yellow River Golden Triangle" and "Guanzhong Plain urban agglomeration", strengthen regional exchanges and cooperation, integrate superior resources, expand development space, and further expand opening-up。Relying on Fangli Bonded Logistics Center, accelerate the establishment and construction of Houma Comprehensive Free Trade Zone in Linfen, further support the construction of a first-class railway port and a waterless port in Fangli Dry Port Park, maintain the normal operation of China-Europe Express trains, and strive to create a new platform for opening to the outside world。Accelerate the reform and innovative development of development zones, and ensure that the "three systems" are implemented in place。Promote the construction of sister cities with Walnut City of the United States, and promote the extensive, in-depth and effective exchanges and cooperation between the two sides in economy, culture, tourism and other aspects。

  The second is to adhere to the implementation of transformation projects as the starting point to enhance the momentum of economic development。The provincial Party Committee and the provincial government have identified this year as the year of transformation project construction。We must continue to take project construction as an important driver of economic development, attract a number of good projects, complete a number of large projects, expand effective investment, form new poles of economic growth, and promote economic and social transformation and high-quality development。

  We will work hard to start major transformation projects。In accordance with the deployment requirements of the "Transformation Project Construction Year", this year we have identified 57 key projects with a total investment of 28.4 billion yuan, of which 26 are industrial transformation projects。These projects have a large volume, strong driving force, and obvious transformation effects. There are 6 major projects with an investment of more than 1 billion yuan, 6 projects with an investment of about 500 million yuan, and 12 projects with an investment of about 100 million yuan, which are important carriers for promoting high-quality and sustainable economic development。

  For these projects, we must concentrate our efforts, tackle difficult problems one by one, highlight the early stage and grasp the landing, and promote the construction of a number of high-quality projects。投资61.400 million yuan of Northern copper copper industry annual processing 1.5 million tons of concentrate comprehensive recovery,Investment of 1.3 billion yuan provincial economic construction and investment yuan large assembly PC factory and demonstration park,With an investment of 1 billion yuan, Shanxi Zhengda Pipe has an annual output of 2 million tons of high-frequency straight welded steel pipes,With an investment of 1 billion yuan, Shanghai Bailian Huaxiang Fashion Center and other industrial transformation projects with a total investment of 10 billion yuan,Construction began intensively in April。投资4.900 million yuan Jianbang annual output of 500,000 tons of high purity iron new material transformation, investment 4.100 million yuan of Xinjiang TBEA Zijinshan 50,000 kW wind power, investment 1.The 900 million yuan Jianbang 45MW distributed gas efficient comprehensive utilization of power generation and other projects accelerated the progress of the preliminary work, and concentrated construction of a batch of projects in the second half of the year。

  At the same time, we will fully promote the completion and operation of a number of projects under construction to achieve production and efficiency。投资6.500 million yuan of Yitong LNG plant expansion, investment 1.600 million yuan Tang Rong annual output of 300,000 tons of manufacturing raw materials clean recycling, investment 1.300 million yuan of Chuangling Building materials annual output of 50 million square meters of paper gypsum board, investment 1.200 million yuan of North Chuangxin annual output of 50,000 tons of spray quick-setting rubber asphalt waterproof material, investment of 100 million yuan Pingyang Heavy Industry grass machine/feed expansion machine series equipment, completed and put into operation within the year。

  Establish and improve the project construction guarantee mechanism。The mechanism determines the speed and progress of the project landing。Continue to implement the responsibility system of municipal leaders, and timely coordinate to solve the difficulties and problems encountered in project promotion。Strengthen the project scheduling mechanism, highlight accurate scheduling, hold a project scheduling meeting every month, and coordinate to solve key and difficult problems。Improve the parallel examination and approval mechanism, the project examination and approval procedures are handed over in one window, handled simultaneously, and completed within a limited time。We will steadily promote the reform of the commitment system for enterprise investment projects, comprehensively promote the use of Shanxi's online approval and supervision platform for investment projects, and further streamline and optimize working procedures。Establish a project tracking service mechanism, determine the main project responsible for major projects related to the overall economic and social development, follow up the whole process, and provide all-round services until the project is completed and achieved。We will strengthen the mechanism for ensuring factors of production,We will actively resolve the bottlenecks and constraints of land expropriation, demolition, balance of arable land, financing, and environmental impact assessment,Secure project land,We will increase the adjustment of land use targets,Put existing land to good use,Efficient use of land,Improve the matching degree between land supply plan and project construction;Broaden financing channels,We will promote cooperation between the government and private capital in a standardized and orderly manner,Steadily carry out a number of PPP projects such as integrated ecological restoration and management of Huihe River, people's hospital, cultural and sports center。Further strengthen the supervision and assessment mechanism, incorporate key projects into the municipal government's "13710" supervision platform, conduct key supervision and assessment of major issues and major matters in the promotion of the project, and strictly reward and punish。Organize and carry out the activities of "centralized project procedures Handling Month" and "centralized project commencement Month" to promote the formation of a new wave of project landing, commencement and construction。

  We will increase efforts to attract investment。We will implement the latest and optimized preferential policies for attracting investment, and set up a committee for attracting investment。Based on the existing advantageous industries and enterprises in our city, focusing on high-end and docking with developed areas, carrying out national investment promotion, precision investment promotion, professional investment promotion, industrial chain investment promotion, business investment promotion, situation investment promotion, the introduction and implementation of a number of strategic emerging industry projects, to promote industrial agglomeration。In particular, summarize the successful experience of Tangrong Garden area in attracting investment and wisdom, give full play to the role of the development zone in the front position of investment promotion, and improve the effectiveness of point-to-point, link chain, and up-down investment promotion。Standardized plant construction is an important carrier of project landing, to advance planning and construction of a number of high-standard plant, effectively build a platform, nest to attract phoenix, to attract more high-quality projects quickly landing。We will further improve the evaluation and reward methods for attracting investment and promote the implementation of the task of attracting investment。Strengthen the concept of service, further create a fair and transparent policy environment and a standardized and orderly market environment, and form a good atmosphere of "business, pro-business, pro-business, and wealthy businessmen"。

  Third, adhere to deepening supply-side structural reform as the main line to promote industrial agglomeration。Promoting supply-side structural reform is an important measure to improve the quality and boost the driving force of development。We should focus on improving the quality of the supply system, expand effective supply, optimize the industrial structure, raise product quality, guide consumption upgrading, energize the market, and create new drivers of economic growth。

  We will accelerate the pace of new-type industry。We will continue to take supply-side structural reform as the starting point, focus on building equipment manufacturing groups, and promote industrial transformation and upgrading by optimizing the industrial structure, strengthening key enterprises, and accelerating the construction of industrial parks。

  Park is an important carrier to promote the development of industrial agglomeration。It is necessary to speed up the construction of the park, focus on the specialized division of labor, guide and encourage enterprises to settle in the park, promote the gathering of enterprises with similar products, and form an industrial chain group with strong competitiveness。Houbei Industrial Park, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, promote Jianbang, Huaqiang, Huanda and other iron and steel coking enterprises, actively use high and new technologies to upgrade environmental protection standards and process improvement, achieve green production, and constantly improve the technological content and added value of industries and products。Huinan Industrial Park,Give full play to the advantages of Tang Rong Group in capital, management, market, talent, technology and other aspects,Support and drive Dongxin, Wei Chuang, Jinfeng and other enterprises to grow rapidly,Integration of Yu Chang, Xiangyu auto parts and other downstream enterprises,Implement the "headquarters + base" model,Build a "manufacturing alliance",Promote the cluster development of the automotive equipment industry,Guide more enterprises such as Zhongjin to embark on the road of headquarters economic development。Wanglong Pharmaceutical Industrial Park, with Wanglong Pharmaceutical as the leader, with high enzyme active monkey head mycelium production line technology transformation projects as the basis, to accelerate the construction of the park。

  We will effectively carry out industrial economic operations。Accurately analyze and predict the operation situation of the city's industrial economy, increase the monitoring and monitoring of enterprises, and enhance the ability of macro regulation。Further implement the system of good market leaders to bind enterprises, continue to implement various preferential policies, normalize the service work for enterprises, and solve more practical difficulties and problems for enterprises。In particular, we will further standardize the operation of government power, actively create a new type of "friendly" and "clean" government-business relationship, and create a good environment for the development of enterprises。We will enhance the ability of the financial sector to serve the real economy,Establish an enterprise capital chain emergency turnover guarantee fund platform,We will create new models for connecting government agencies, banks and enterprises,Increase the intensity of financial credit;We will give full play to the role of multi-tiered capital markets,Vigorously promote Yitong shares listed on the main board,Cultivate 5 high-quality enterprises in Shanxi equity trading center display and listing。

  We will vigorously support the development of the private sector。We will implement three key projects。The first is to help the project, earnestly implement the newly revised "Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Promotion Law", fully implement the city's "Implementation Opinions on Further Promoting the Innovation and Transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises", establish and improve the service coordination mechanism, and strengthen macro guidance and guidance services。The second is to cultivate projects, actively promote the construction of talents, strengthen the construction of entrepreneurs, continue to play the leading role of the government, and lead entrepreneurs to go out, broaden their horizons and ideas, and improve their ability。The third is the upgrading project,We will promote the conversion of smes to enterprises, upgrading of regulations, stock reform and stock listing,Comprehensively enhance the core competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises;We will strengthen the system for enterprise technological innovation,Promote the construction of provincial-level technology centers,We will focus on building mass entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases,Upgrade the level of eight entrepreneurship and innovation bases such as Tangrong and craft town in Shanxi Province。

  Promote the sustained prosperity of the commercial logistics industry。Business service industry is the traditional advantageous industry of our city, and it is also the pillar industry to strengthen the city economy and expand the regional influence。This year, the focus is on the development of modern logistics, the expansion of e-commerce, and the filing of business markets to promote the development of business logistics industry agglomeration。

  The core of the development of modern logistics industry is to accelerate the construction of "five parks, one center" logistics pattern。Start logistics planning with a high starting point and high standards, clarify the ideas, direction, goals, and paths of modern logistics development in the future, solve the problems of small and scattered logistics enterprises, and promote industrial agglomeration and orderly development。Focus on building the largest storage demonstration park in southern Shanxi,The highway hub cargo center project will be completed and put into operation by the end of May,And start the construction of the second phase project;Focus on building express express logistics park in southern Shanxi,Support Zhentong E-commerce Industrial Park to improve the urban logistics and county, rural end logistics distribution system,Promote the rapid development of express delivery platforms such as ZTO, YTO, and Best World Huitong,The park's e-commerce building will be completed and put into use within the year。

  Vigorously promote the development of e-commerce, further do a good job of "e-commerce +" work, promote the development of related industries such as commercial processing industry, agricultural product processing industry, packaging industry, warehousing and logistics, and build regional agricultural products online marketing base。Support the rapid development of e-commerce such as "Buy now" and "Wo Mai Liangpin" to further enhance the influence of local brand e-commerce;Promote the rapid expansion of the "Red flame pepper" project, form a brand driving effect, and create more online specialty agricultural products brands。Actively do a good job of e-commerce into the rural comprehensive demonstration county work to ensure that the smooth acceptance。We will accelerate the development of cross-border e-commerce to achieve the goal of undertaking export processing trade and expanding international logistics business。

  We will further accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional business markets。Continue to promote the upgrading of the two major business districts of railway stations and light industry cities, and improve the occupancy rate of commercial markets such as the emerging textile city and the Golden Diamond International Mall。Commercial complex projects, step up the completion of land auctions and auctions, and strive to start construction。Liyuan Star City commercial building completed the interior decoration, actually the first half of the home opened for operation。

  We will promote the development of agricultural clusters with distinctive characteristics。The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that the rural revitalization strategy should be implemented, which is the general starting point of the work of "three rural areas" in the new era。We must give priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas, and effectively solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in accordance with the general requirements of "thriving industries, livable ecology, civilized village style, effective governance, and prosperous life"。Industry prosperity is a prerequisite for the implementation of the "20 words" general requirements,We will focus on deepening supply-side structural reform in agriculture,The goal is to increase agricultural efficiency, increase farmers' income and increase rural green,We will vigorously develop high-quality agriculture, characteristic agriculture, green agriculture, and suburban agriculture,We will accelerate the shift in agriculture from yield-oriented to quality-oriented,We promoted the continuous development of the agricultural industry,It lays a solid economic foundation for the rural areas to realize ecological livable, civilized village style, effective governance and prosperous life。

  Further adjust and optimize the structure of planting and breeding, strengthen scientific and technological support, and promote the upgrading of agricultural parks。We will use science and technology to drive new varieties, new technologies and new equipment, improve standardized production and product quality, and increase the added value of agricultural products。We will focus on promoting the construction of "three parks and one field",To build vegetable plantation with Qingchuang Farm, Baokun vegetables, Ruihe edible fungi and so on as the center,To Fangcao Xiang, Hongman, Jinnan Jiao grape as the center to build melon and fruit plantation,To cliff, Jinsha, Fuxing village and so on as the center to build herbal medicine plantation,Maozhou cattle industry as the center to build a standard cattle farm in south Jinnan。Throughout the year, we strive to reach 3 certified products of "three products and one standard", 1 to 2 certified geographical indications, and the newly certified "three products" covers an area of 8000 mu。

  We will vigorously promote the development of the agricultural product processing industry and further extend the agricultural industrial chain。By optimizing and integrating the layout of agricultural product processing industry, an upstream and downstream industrial pattern of production and processing, enterprises and farmers should be formed to promote the value-added and efficiency of agricultural products。We will focus on promoting the development and growth of processing enterprises such as home-grown noodles and deli food。We will actively build an agricultural green ecological industrial chain, vigorously promote biophysical prevention and ecological control technologies, strengthen dynamic monitoring of the agricultural environment, and explore the establishment of circular agriculture demonstration zones。We will strengthen the comprehensive development of agriculture, implement the high-standard farmland construction project in the Song Guo area, and step up the planning and implementation of the high-standard farmland innovation pilot project in the Zhang Village Office。We will fully implement all policies that benefit agriculture, strictly protect arable land, and ensure a sustained increase in grain income。

  Fourth, adhere to the path of integrated urban and rural development and promote urban and rural joint development。Integrated and coordinated development of urban and rural areas is the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects。We should speed up the construction of a new pattern of urban-rural integration, focus on the strategy of rural revitalization, continue to narrow the development gap between urban and rural areas, and strive to ensure that the vast majority of rural people have the same living conditions as urban residents at an early date。

  We will strengthen the guiding role of planning。Give full play to the strategic guidance and rigid control role of planning in urban development, accelerate the integration of multiple plans, promote the linkage management of special plans, and enhance the foresight, seriousness and continuity of planning。This year, we will focus on completing the adjustment of the urban and rural master plan (2013-2030), and do a good job in investigating and evaluating the quality of the urban natural environment and urban development。We will improve regulations on the technical management of urban and rural planning, and strengthen the fine management and strict supervision of planning。Further accelerate Houma - Quwo city development, in accordance with the principle of "unified planning, benefit sharing" to promote industrial layout, spatial organization, infrastructure construction, ecological environmental protection and other aspects of coordinated development。

  Strengthen the foundation for urban development。We will strengthen the construction of urban roads and further smooth the circulation of urban road networks。The construction of the north extension of Haijun Street, the east extension of Textile Alley and the East Road of Times Square was completed.Zijinshan North Street reconstruction project,Construction began in March,Completed and opened to traffic in June;Construction of the south extension road of Hehuan Street, Binhe Road and connecting urban roads began,Huibin Street transformation, Houzhang Street widening transformation project to start construction。The 108 National Highway rerouting project is a "big channel" connecting east and west to enhance the development space of our city. Through the joint efforts of Quwo and Xinjiang, the project has been reviewed and approved by experts of the Provincial Department of Transport, and strives to be selected into the "13th Five-Year" medium-term adjustment project library of the Ministry of Transport。The Great West high-speed railway station is related to the image of our city, and actively strive for expansion and transformation, further improve functional facilities, enhance the level of intelligent management, and effectively solve the problems such as the operation of traffic flow and order management that are strongly reflected by the masses。Actively promote the implementation of general aviation projects。1701 Project Xintian Road underground commercial street project, ready to start as soon as possible, and strive to start construction as soon as possible。Speed up the relevant procedures of Weijiazhuang construction dump to ensure the completion and operation in late April。We will launch the renovation and expansion of urban and rural water supply networks and water plants, and strive to start construction。We continued to implement the construction of drainage networks, and built 10 kilometers of rain and pollution diversion networks throughout the year。

  We will raise the level of refined urban management。We will improve the urban management mechanism and vigorously promote refined, standardized, digital and grid management。We will raise the level of community management, further strengthen the construction of urban community activity venues and public welfare service facilities, guide public welfare organizations to participate in community management services, and promote the construction of demonstration communities。We will continue to strengthen the special rectification of the city appearance and order, implement the "five guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system, and focus on the rectification of urban management problems such as disorderly construction and disorderly parking。Strengthen the management of municipal public facilities, ensure normal and stable operation, focus on the implementation of urban lighting upgrading projects this year, create Xintian Square, Xintian Road, Chengwang Road lighting model, gradually promote the city along the street buildings, roads, trees lighting, to ensure that the National Day before the completion of the task。

  We will continue to build beautiful rural areas。The construction of beautiful villages is an important starting point for implementing the rural revitalization strategy and promoting the joint construction of urban and rural areas, and initial results have been achieved through unremitting efforts。In accordance with the requirements of the rural revitalization strategy, we will continue to implement the "six comprehensive coverage" projects, make up for the weak links in the ecological livability of rural areas, improve the function of infrastructure, and make consistent efforts to build beautiful rural areas。In accordance with the three-year plan for full coverage of central heating, on the basis of using urban heating in 18 villages last year, more rural areas with conditions will be promoted to achieve central heating, with a coverage rate of more than 60%。Seize the opportunity of our city being identified as the pilot county of rural waste management in Shanxi Province, fully implement the integrated urban and rural waste treatment project, and realize the goal of harmless management of rural waste。The comprehensive utilization project of rural domestic sewage will be implemented in accordance with local conditions and selected villages with ripe conditions。We accelerated the pace of urban tap water entering villages and households, and completed the construction of water mains in 23 villages in Fengcheng and Shangma townships (offices) by the end of June, basically achieving full coverage of urban tap water。The natural gas pipeline network has been extended to rural areas。At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of "four beautiful" rural construction, including home beauty, pastoral beauty, ecological beauty and life beauty, we will continue to promote the "three-level joint creation" of beautiful and livable demonstration villages.Further pay attention to the improvement of rural environmental health, and complete the improvement of all rural lines;Complete 8.3 km "four good" rural road construction;The greening and beautifying projects of four garden villages were completed, and the ecological livability of rural areas was continuously improved。

  Fifth, adhere to the integrated development of cultural tourism as a guide to promote the rise of culture。Cultural tourism is the most dynamic sunrise industry in the economic and social development。We should further explore and develop Jin cultural resources, build Jin cultural "scenic spots" and characteristic brands, promote the deep integration and development of cultural and tourism formats, and accelerate the cultivation and expansion of cultural tourism。

  We will accelerate the integration of cultural tourism formats。Further strengthen the exploration and development of Jin cultural resources, make full use of the advantages of existing cultural resources, step up the preparation of cultural tourism development plan, and make full use of Jin cultural brand。Set up the Jin cultural landmark building, highlight the charm of Jin culture。High starting point planning Jin cultural "scenic spot group", accelerate the pace of Jin State Heritage Park, Taitai Temple tourist attraction, Wushi Site Park and other scenic spots project packaging investment;Speed up the construction of natural landscape, and strive to build Purple Mountain, Xiangyi Lake, Huihe wetland park "integration" scenic spot。Launch boutique tourist routes,Focus on the difference of tourism resource endowment,Further study the position of our city in the tourism layout and structure of the surrounding region and even the whole province,Actively integrate into the Linfen East line ecological leisure tourism route,It is based on the former residence of Peng Zhen, Jin Expo Garden and Tai Tai Temple,Planning red tourism, Jin culture tourism, rural tourism and other varieties of tourism routes,Create tourist destinations and distribution centers。

  Make every effort to build a characteristic cultural travel brand。To be included in the national "thousand enterprises thousand towns" project as an opportunity to create a comprehensive Chinese craft town。Highlight the ancient capital culture, alliance book culture, casting copper culture, the formation of craft town unique cultural elements and symbols。Increase the research and development of traditional folk customs and intangible cultural heritage products, take the cultural and creative incubation base as the leader, drive the formation of "one village, one product", and accelerate the social foundation of "technology capital"。Increase planning and packaging, publicity and promotion efforts,A series of activities such as the Craft Industry Development Summit Forum and the "Belt and Road" World Craft Conference will be held,Actively do a good job in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen to open "Chinese craft town culture display window",In Walnut, the United States to open a craft study hall and other work,Let the craft culture into the city,Go global。We will attach importance to the development of new forms of cultural tourism, deeply promote the Internet + culture + tourism, and build a city of wisdom, culture and technology。

  We will vigorously develop the cultural tourism industry。Strengthen the protection, inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage, and guide the productive protection and industrial development of intangible cultural heritage items such as shadow puppets, bronzes and butterfly cups。Accelerate the construction progress of Jinyuan Cultural City project, and strive to put the North District market into use before the end of June。We will vigorously develop agricultural tourism and rural tourism, guide agricultural ecological parks such as Fangcao Xiang and Hongman to upgrade their scale and grade, further improve supporting facilities and service systems, and expand the agricultural tourism industry。Grasp the opportunity of Shanxi Tourism Conference held in Linfen, do Houma Mengshu calligraphy art series activities, continue to package and plan a good "flower sea", "taste melon fragrance" and other rural tourism brands, launch a number of special cultural tourism festival activities such as Zhang's roots and ancestor worship, to further promote Houma, gather popularity and expand influence。

  We promoted the rapid development of cultural programs。Actively cultivate and practice the core values of socialism, carry forward the Houma spirit of "confidence, harmony, beauty and forging ahead", carry out the activities of "tree village rules, establish people's covenant, and promote the civilization of the village style, promote the change of customs and customs, and form a good new style of civilization in the whole society。Promoting cultural prosperity, relying on various cultural and art associations, giving full play to the role of mainstream media such as newspapers, television and government websites, activating cultural and art activities, and striving to create more popular and grounded artistic masterpieces that combine ideological and artistic qualities。We will enrich the cultural life of the people, continue to hold Spring Festival and Lantern Festival parties, summer parties, farmers' sports games and other activities, and send more than 1,000 operas and films to rural areas throughout the year。We will accelerate the development of mass sports and promote vigorous national fitness activities。Strengthen the construction of cultural infrastructure, strengthen the digital construction of group art hall and library, accelerate the construction of Fengcheng Rural Cultural Memory Exhibition Hall, cultural and sports activities center project will be completed and accepted by the end of the year, and simultaneously start the construction of Pearl Square。

  Sixth, adhere to the "two mountains" theory as a guide to promote environmental improvement。"Clear water and green mountains are gold and silver mountains"。We protect the environment like we protect our eyes, treat it like we treat our lives, and unswervingly and persistently promote ecological progress to a new level。

  Continue to deepen the "iron fist control pollution" campaign。Close to the core of improving the environment, adhere to the priority of environmental protection, adhere to the same responsibilities of the Party and the government, make up for weaknesses, continue to work hard, and make every effort to fight the battle of environmental protection。We will improve the long-term mechanisms for monitoring, evaluating, regulating and holding environmental governance accountable,Effectively solve the problem of "surprise war" and "gust of wind";Strengthen departmental collaboration,We will promote coordinated law enforcement,Realize the normalization of the interaction between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice;Grid management of environmental protection will be strengthened,Further consolidate environmental responsibility;We will further enhance our capacity for environmental emergency management,Establish and improve long-term mechanisms for responding to environmental emergencies and heavy pollution weather,Ensure environmental safety。The focus is to implement the "Implementation Opinions on carrying out the Key Actions of Ecological Environment Governance in the City in 2018",We will take high-standard measures to control gas-related enterprises, continue to control scattered polluting enterprises, control coal-fired boilers, strengthen control over loose coal, promote the control of volatile organic compounds in key industries, strengthen the prevention and control of motor vehicle pollution, deepen the control of restaurant fumes, and strengthen the control of dust pollution,In particular, we will further accelerate the pace of clean heating,Achieve full coverage of central heating in urban built-up areas,We will work hard to steadily improve the quality of the atmospheric environment。

  We will speed up efforts to improve the water environment, fully implement the river chief system, give full play to the role of township and village river chiefs, and strengthen river management and protection。To further improve the level of sewage treatment, focus on the construction of the Huihe river sewage network as a breakthrough, to comprehensively solve the problem of sewage discharge of the huihe river;Increase the special treatment of wastewater pipe networks and treatment facilities of industrial enterprises, and strive to achieve a stable cross-section assessment。To implement soil pollution prevention and control, formulate soil pollution prevention and control work plans, complete the detailed investigation of the city's agricultural soil pollution status, and carry out the pilot work of soil pollution environmental monitoring, treatment and restoration。We will do a good job in replacing taxes on water resources and environmental protection with taxes, and strengthen tax revenue to protect the ecological environment.We will make good project entry, actively support the rapid landing of projects in line with environmental protection industrial policies, and provide strong environmental protection support for economic and social development。

  We will continue to strengthen ecological development。Around the "one mountain and one river" development, and strive to create green mountains。Zijinshan development project, accelerate the completion of the overall planning work, further explore the integration of cultural tourism resources, and strive to start the implementation of 1 to 2 ecological cultural tourism projects this year。Actively coordinate with the military authorities, strive to use the former naval base and other resources, and build a military culture as the theme of the expo park。The integrated management project of Huihe River ecological restoration will speed up the preliminary work, and strive to start construction before the end of April, and strive to improve the quality of regional water environment, and gradually realize clear water, solid dike, green bank, road and beautiful scenery。The construction of water quality improvement and ecological restoration of the lower reaches of the Huihe river will start in June and be completed by the end of the year。Huihe two reservoir reinforcement project, pay close attention to complete the construction procedures, start construction in June。Accelerate the preliminary feasibility study and project approval of the wetland project outside the Fenhe River embankment, actively strive for superior financial support, and focus on the construction of landscape belts around the Tai Tai Temple。

  The implementation of urban greening projects, based on the "from extensive to fine, from garden to horticulture", focus on the implementation of the North Ring Road in the middle and the west extension of the green project, improve the green construction of high-speed rail stations。Choose 1-2 main sections of the city to create themed flower landscape streets。We will intensify afforestation and return farmland to forests, and focus on replenishing Zijin Mountain, afforestation on slopes, afforestation of wetland Park of Huihe River, etc., so as to create a green barrier of the city。We will advocate green travel and implement bike-sharing programs。

  Seventh, we should strive to improve people's livelihood by focusing on their aspirations for a better life。Leading the people to create a better life is our unswerving goal。We must always take ensuring and improving people's wellbeing as the starting point and ultimate goal of all our work, and do one thing at a time, so that the fruits of reform and development will benefit the people more and better。

  We will give high priority to developing education。Focusing on education that the people are satisfied with, we will continue to promote the integrated development of compulsory education in urban and rural areas, and further improve the work of "nearby enrollment without examination" at the stage of compulsory education。To promote education toward quality, focus on middle school education, do a good job in the reform of the new curriculum and new college entrance examination in high school, and continue to maintain the leading position of the college entrance examination in Linfen City。We intensified efforts to standardize and rectify kindergartens, and the enrollment rate of children reached 91 percent.5%。Strengthen the management of campus safety education, and fully implement the long-term mechanism for campus safety and stability。Strengthen professional quality training, increase regional exchanges between principals and teachers, the exchange rate reaches 10%, and comprehensively improve the ability and quality of teachers。Accelerate the construction progress of the new No. 2 Middle School project, strive to start construction in August, complete civil engineering by the end of the year, and realize relocation next autumn。Attach great importance to the education and training of cadres, accelerate the construction of the new Party school project, complete the preparatory work in the first half of the year, and strive to start construction。

  Efforts were made to improve medical and health care。We will continue to deepen reform of the medical and health care systems, establish systems for basic medical and health care, drug supply and medical insurance, and deepen reform of the personnel system and medical insurance payment methods。We will further strengthen disease prevention and establish national demonstration zones for the prevention and control of chronic diseases。Continue to do a good job in food and drug supervision and administration, and successfully create a provincial "food safety demonstration city"。We will steadily promote basic public health services, actively establish demonstration community health service institutions, and achieve full coverage of township health centers that are satisfactory to the people at the provincial level。Actively promote the cooperation between Tongsheng Group and the United States Sanford Medical Group。Accelerate the progress of the new hospital construction project, and strive to have the initial conditions for relocation by the end of October。 

  We will work hard to raise employment。We will take multiple measures at the same time and make precise efforts to promote employment through entrepreneurship。We will give full play to the synergies of policy advantages and entrepreneurship and innovation, and encourage college graduates, veterans, laid-off workers, and rural migrant workers to find jobs and start businesses。We will intensify vocational skills training, focusing on rural labor force training and skills training for vulnerable groups such as the disabled and the poor, and constantly improve the ability of entrepreneurs to find jobs。Strengthen labor security supervision and law enforcement, and actively build harmonious labor relations。Over 6,000 new jobs will be created this year, and the registered urban unemployment rate will be kept within 3%。

  We will work hard to improve the social security system。We will do a good job in upgrading urban and rural subsistence allowances, and effectively ensure that all necessary guarantees are guaranteed。We will improve the care and service system and the assistance and protection mechanism, and do a good job for special groups such as rural left-behind children, the disabled, and elderly people in need。Further deepen the work of "double support" and fully implement the preferential care and resettlement policy。Actively develop the elderly care service industry, Yizifu elderly medical care center will complete the main project this year and be completed and put into use next year。The construction of the social security system should tap new resources to expand the coverage and promote the overall participation of non-public economic units。The participation rate of old-age insurance and urban and rural basic medical insurance shall reach above 98%。

  We will work hard to consolidate our achievements in poverty alleviation。Poverty alleviation work will continue until 2020, although our city has passed the acceptance of Linfen city level, but in the next period of work, there is still no slack。In accordance with the "four unchanged" principle of poverty alleviation, "the task of helping is unchanged, the leadership of the package is unchanged, the unit of helping is unchanged, and the measures of helping are unchanged",We should combine poverty alleviation with intellectual and voluntary assistance,Focus on "Looking back" this year,Make good use of poverty alleviation funds,Improve industrial poverty alleviation,We will promote the formation of a regular assistance mechanism,We will resolutely prevent any return to poverty after poverty alleviation。

  Eighth, we will take measures to strengthen and innovate social governance to ensure overall social harmony and stability。

  Attach great importance to production safety。Adhere to the responsibility system of "Party and government responsibility, one post and two responsibilities, joint management, and dereliction of duty", strictly implement the "three must be regulated" principle and the "one vote veto" system, continue to carry out major production safety inspections and hidden dangers investigation activities, further promote the "bright sword action", and severely crack down on private mining。We will strengthen production safety supervision in such industries as road transportation, market fire protection, metallurgical industry and trade, hazardous chemicals, construction, urban and rural gas, food and medicine, special equipment, and grain production。We will do a solid job in earthquake prevention, flood prevention, forest fire prevention, and geological disaster prevention, and further improve our monitoring, early warning, and emergency response capabilities。In-depth implementation of the "Year of Law Enforcement of Production Safety" activities to reduce general accidents, resolutely put an end to large and major accidents, and ensure that the city's safety situation continues to improve steadily。

  Ensure stability in letters and visits。We will strengthen the development of mechanisms for preventing and defusing social contradictions and properly handle contradictions among the people。We will improve the mediation mechanism for diversified conflicts and disputes, establish and improve people's mediation committees at the city, township (office) and village (community) levels, set up "petition service centers", complete the construction of petition platforms, and build a strong "first line of defense" for social stability.。Adhere to the municipal leaders to receive visits, regular consultation system, based on the source of prevention, strengthen the investigation of contradictions, adhere to early and small, effectively solve the problem of letters and visits in the bud, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of large-scale mass incidents。We will strengthen the legalization of petition work, resolve outstanding cases, earnestly address the reasonable and legitimate demands of the people, crack down on illegal activities such as making complaints, pestering visits, and non-visits in accordance with the law, and ensure the stability of petition work by breaking through a number of cases, resolving a number, and cracking down on a number。

  We continued to strengthen social governance。We will build a new pattern of social governance through joint contribution, joint governance and shared benefits。Improve the public security system, accelerate the construction of the social security prevention and control system, promote the standardized construction of municipal, township (office), village (community) three-level comprehensive treatment center, and complete the public video surveillance system within the year。Carry out an in-depth campaign against crime and evil, always maintain a strong and high pressure situation against all kinds of crimes, especially crimes committed by evil forces, and build a "safe Houma"。We will improve the rural governance system that combines autonomy, rule of law and rule by virtue, and establish a moral incentive and restraint mechanism to ensure effective rural governance。Focusing on the publicity of the newly revised Constitution of the People's Republic of China, we will further promote the publicity of the "Seventh Five-Year Plan" law, accelerate the construction of the city's public legal service system, and create a "30-minute legal service circle".。We will further strengthen monitoring and prevention of financial risks, crack down on illegal fund-raising activities, prudently handle all types of illegal fund-raising cases in accordance with the law, and resolutely prevent the accumulation and sudden occurrence of major social security risks。At the same time, efforts will be made to do a good job in auditing, statistics, ethnic and religious affairs, archives, municipal records, prices, aging, and reserve work。

  Fellow deputies, no matter how high the mountain is, if you climb it, you can always reach the top.The road is long, walk down, you can reach。There is no mountain higher than man, no road longer than feet。The eight adherence and eight initiatives are the total starting point for the government to do a good job this year, the focus of the in-depth implementation of the "five major City strategy", and the new path to promote high-quality development。As long as we set our goals, braced with one heart, braved difficulties and had the courage to climb, we will surely make solid progress on the journey of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and continue to take new steps in Houma's development in the new era。

  Third, comprehensively improve the government's self-improvement

  Fellow Deputies, The Times are the examiners, we are the examiners, and the people are the examiners。We must always adhere to the people's heart, share weal and woe with the people, work together with the people, and strive to build a service-oriented government that the people are satisfied with。

  Strengthen political construction and uphold the leadership of the Party。Adhere to the leadership of the Party, and always put political construction in the first place in government construction。Firmly establish the "Four consciousness",Always adhere to the "four self-confidence",Adhere to the "four obeys",自觉维护以习近平同志为核心的党中央权威和集中统一领导,Always in the political position, political direction, political principles, political road,同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致。Strengthen ideological and political construction, strictly abide by political discipline and political rules, fully implement the tasks of the new great project of Party building, faithfully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, The State Council, the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government of Linfen City, and carry out work under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee。Further promote the normalization and institutionalization of "two learning and one doing" learning education, and firmly carry out the theme of "never forget the original intention and remember the mission" education。

  We will strengthen the rule of law and uphold constitutional and law-based governance。We will strictly abide by the Constitution and laws, accelerate the building of a law-based government, and bring all government activities under the rule of law。We will make decisions in accordance with the law, strengthen the review of the legitimacy of major administrative decisions and normative documents, and make decision-making more scientific, democratic, and legal。Strengthen the supervision of administrative law enforcement, do a good job of administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation, continue to deepen the "double random, one open", and ensure that law enforcement is strict, standardized, fair and civilized。We accept the supervision of the People's Congress and its Standing Committee in accordance with the law, earnestly implement all resolutions and decisions, and report on our work regularly。Consciously accept the democratic supervision of the municipal CPPCC, and earnestly listen to the opinions of the democratic parties, federations of industry and commerce, personages without party affiliation and people's organizations。We conscientiously handled the suggestions of deputies to the People's Congress and the proposals of the CPPCC, and further improved the quality of our handling。We will strengthen oversight through auditing and give full play to the role of legal advisers to the government。We will fully promote openness in government affairs and ensure the people's rights to be informed, to participate, to be heard, and to supervise。

  Strengthen ability building, continue to learn and improve。According to the requirements of the 19th National Congress of the Party to comprehensively enhance the ability to govern, we will comprehensively strengthen learning and enhance the "eight skills" to ensure that our convictions are strong, our politics are strong, our responsibilities are strong, our ability is strong, and our style of work is strong。We will continue to hold a series of lectures on improving the ability of leading cadres in the government system,We will carry out education and training in finance, law, science and technology, and the Internet,Combining "three basic construction",We will further improve the collective learning system for leading cadres,Efforts should be made to broaden the knowledge and vision of cadres at all levels, especially leading cadres,Improve the ability to control the market economy, the ability to attract investment, the ability to serve market players, the ability to develop emerging industries, the ability to promote project construction, the ability to deal with complex situations and prevent and resolve risks, the ability to administer according to law and the ability to pay close attention to implementation。

  We will improve efficiency and continue to transform our functions。With the satisfaction of the people as the highest standard for judging work, we will further change our style of work, improve work efficiency, improve service levels, and strive to make the people satisfied with the process and results of government work。In accordance with the requirements of the "Six most" business environment construction activities in the province, we will further promote the reform of "management and service efficiency", comprehensively create a fair and just, rule-of-law and efficient development environment, and fully stimulate the vitality of market players。We will strengthen the government's ability to execute, guide officials at all levels to go to the front line and the community level, do a good job in public work, and solve difficult problems in development。Strengthen the spirit of responsibility, the commitment to the enterprise and the masses, act quickly, say and do, and the concern of the enterprise and the masses, with solid moves, strength, results, and nail the spirit of good implementation。Continue to give full play to the role of the "13710" supervision system and the mobile OA office platform to further improve administrative efficiency。

  Strengthen the construction of clean government and adhere to integrity and self-discipline。Adhere to the anti-corruption policy of "addressing both symptoms and root causes, comprehensive treatment, punishment and prevention, and focusing on prevention", and deepen the construction of Party conduct and clean government and the fight against corruption by strict standards, strict measures, and strict implementation。We will strictly implement certain guidelines on intra-Party political activities, regulations on disciplinary measures, Regulations on intra-Party supervision, regulations on accountability, and guidelines on integrity and self-discipline。Strictly implement the implementation rules of the central eight provisions and the provincial and municipal implementation measures, persevere in correcting the "four winds", and always maintain a clean character。Adhere to the idea of tight living, concentrate financial resources to do big things。We will strengthen supervision and accountability, and rigorously purge the practice of profligate, lazy, and idle government。We will strengthen oversight of key areas and positions, resolutely investigate and punish all kinds of irregularities and corruption in the government system, and ensure that the government is clean and officials are honest。


  Fellow deputies, in a world of great strife, either the best or the best will be eliminated;When we rise, we must fall back if we do not advance。Unity and cohesion, hard work to create the future, happiness is out of the struggle。让我们更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,Hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Under the strong leadership of the municipal committee,Do not forget the original intention, remember the mission,Forge ahead and work hard,Strive to create a new performance worthy of this great era,We will strive to fulfill the new mission entrusted to us by the new era,Strive to deliver a satisfactory answer to the people of the city,To build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and write a new chapter in the better life of Houma people,Make new and greater contributions!




  Related commentary


  one"Five major urban development strategies" : refers to the in-depth implementation of industrial agglomeration, urban and rural co-construction, cultural rise, environmental improvement, and livelihood improvement strategies。

  2.The goal of "Four Houma" is to build a new Houma that is green, livable, open and civilized。

  3."Five parks, one center" : refers to the highway hub logistics park, Zhenelectrification business Logistics Park, Putian Home Appliance Logistics Park, Tongsheng Pharmaceutical Logistics Park, light industry City logistics Park and Fang Libao tax logistics center。

  4."Six full coverage" : refers to the full coverage of urban and rural garbage centralized treatment, comprehensive utilization of domestic sewage, central heating, central gas supply, urban tap water, and health network platform。

  5."Three supplies and one business" : refers to water supply, power supply, heating and property management。

  6.Industry "three places" : refers to the regional new industrial base, modern logistics highland and cultural tourism and shopping destination。

  Seven.Healthy "cell" project: according to the concept of healthy city, the construction of health organs, healthy towns (streets), healthy villages (communities), healthy hospitals, healthy schools, healthy families and other "cell" projects, to build the micro foundation of healthy city。

  8."Decentralization and service efficiency" : refers to streamlining administration, delegating power, combining decentralization and management, optimizing services, and improving efficiency。

  9."Three systems" : it means to deepen the reform of the personnel and salary system of the development zone, promote the implementation of the tenure system of the leading group of the development zone, the appointment system of all staff positions and the performance salary system, and accelerate the construction of a professional, market-oriented and international management team。

  10."Three products and one mark" : YesPollution-free agricultural productsGreen food, organic produce andGeographical indication of agricultural productsGeneral term for...。

  11."Four good" rural roads: it means to build, manage, protect and operate rural roads well。

  twelve"Thousand enterprises and thousand towns" project: It refers to the new small town (city) creation model of "government guidance, enterprise main body, and market operation", to build an effective docking platform between small town (city) and enterprise main body, guide social capital to participate in the construction of beautiful small town (city) town, and promote the integrated development and common growth of town and enterprise。





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