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Issuing Agency: Houma City People's Government Office Cable number: 11140981012790572U-2/2023-00022
标     题: Houma City People's Government Office on the issuance of the Houma City 2023 Clean City Action Implementation Plan Notice Written date: 2023-07-27
文     号: Office of the Marquis issued [2023] 22 Release Date: 2023-08-10
Subject categories: Urban and rural construction, environmental protection Subject word: Clean city operation

Township people's governments, sub-district offices,侯马Administrative Committee of Economic Development Zone,All relevant departments

Houma CityThe implementation Plan of 2023 Clean City Action has been agreed by the Municipal People's Government and is now issued to you. Please organize and implement it carefully。

Houma City People's Government Office

July 27, 2023        

(This article is released to the public)

Houma City2023 Clean City action implementation plan

In order to implement the HoumaThe Action Plan for Comprehensive remediation of the ecological Environment in 2023 will further strengthen the control of dust pollution, fully implement dust remediation in urban areas and surrounding areas, improve the level of urban fine management, and effectively reduce urban PM10Concentration to promote continuous improvement of air quality, refer to the "Linfen City.The implementation Plan of the Clean City Action in 2023 is formulated according to the actual situation of our city。

1. Work objectives

市区2023 PM10Concentration control atUp to 86 micrograms per cubic meter。

2. Division of responsibilities

(A) construction site dust control

1Municipal Housing and Construction Authority:Responsible for the construction site dust control industry supervisor;To guide the construction dust pollution prevention and control of new construction, reconstruction, expansion sites and demolition activities in urban areas, take the lead in the online monitoring of construction site dust and the installation of video surveillance equipment networking work;Responsible for the implementation of dust control at construction sites"Six hundred percent" measures, organize the installation of dust online monitoring and video surveillance equipment at the site, and network with the housing department;Responsible for the implementation of the "six hundred percent" dust control measures for government investment projects and demolition activities。

2Houma Economic Development Zone:Responsible for the implementation of dust control at the construction site under the jurisdiction"Six hundred percent" measures, organize the installation of dust online monitoring and video surveillance equipment at the site under its jurisdiction, and network with the housing department。

3Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources:负责Include the open space to be built in the municipal reserveDust pollution prevention work。

4Municipal Urban Management Brigade:Responsible for the implementation of dust control for muck vehicles and muck disposal sites。

5Township (street) :Responsible for the control of dust from the construction site of self-built houses in the area。

(2) Road dust control

1Municipal Sanitation Center:Responsible citywideCleaning and dust suppression of the main and secondary roads and sidewalks on both sides, cleaning and cleaning of supporting public facilities。Strictly implement the Notice of the Municipal Atmospheric Office on Strengthening the Road Fine Cleaning work (Hou Qi refers to the office letter2023] 10) to implement various cleaning measures at various times。Peripheral key roads include: big line, Hehuan Street, Gaoyang Street, Jindu West Road, etc。

2City Garden Center:Responsible for the city's parks, green belt cleaning and dust suppression, cleaning and cleaning work。

3Township (street) :Responsible for the dust suppression of backstreet alleys and the cleaning and cleaning of shops on both sides of the road。

(3) The Great Urban Purge

1Municipal Housing and Construction Authority:Take the lead in the city's cleaning work, responsible for the construction site and the outside of the enclosure of the unit and its jurisdiction20 meter range cleaning operation。

2Houma Economic Development Zone:Responsible for the construction site and the outside of the enclosure of the unit and under its jurisdiction20 meter range cleaning operation。

3Township (street) :Responsible for the unit andLarge cleaning of residential areas within the jurisdiction。

4Other organs and institutions:To be responsible for the cleaning work of the unit and the enterprises under its jurisdiction。

(4) Remediation of bare land

1Houma Economic Development Zone,Municipal Housing and Construction Authority:They shall be responsible for the renovation of bare land involved in the construction sites under their jurisdiction。

2Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources:Urban responsibilityInclude the open space to be built in the municipal reserveClean the bare land with dust。

3Township (street)In addition to the expropriation of reserve land involving bare land and other departments and units responsible for the remediation of bare landOutside other bare land remediation。

(5) Dust control in and out of urban transport vehicles

The Municipal Transportation Bureau and the traffic police brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau are responsible for the pass management of vehicles transporting bulk materials into and out of the urban area and the control of dust suppression measures such as sealed cover according to their duties。

Third, regulation standards

(A) construction site dust control

The construction unit shall formulate the implementation plan for dust control, strengthen the dust control control of the dust-prone process and the construction stage, and the supervision unit shall prepare the rules for the construction dust supervision and strengthen the construction dust supervision。The construction site shall strictly meet the following requirements4 standard requirements。

1"Six 100%" requirements。100% enclosure around the construction site, 100% washing of incoming and exiting vehicles, 100% wet operation of earthmoving construction, 100% closed transportation of muck vehicles, 100% hardening of the ground at the construction site, and 100% coverage of material stacking。

2Requirements for the cover of air filters。满足Not lower than2000目要求

3Construction site fence outside the road。Outside of the construction fenceThe dust accumulation amount of the road within 20 meters is not higher than 2 grams/square meter。

4Online monitoring and video surveillance equipment。Online monitoring and video surveillance equipment are installed, and connected with the housing and construction department。

(2) Road dust control

Road road cleaning to reach the following respectively2 regulation standard requirements。

1."On the basis of gram and net" requirement。Dust accumulation on roads within 200m of key areas (including provincial control stations and township offices) is not higher than 2g/m2;The dust accumulation in the main and secondary roads and the roads around the stations within 3km is not higher than 5 g/m2;The amount of dust on national and provincial roads outside the urban area is not higher than 10 grams/square meter。

2Frequency of cleaning。Within the city, around key areasThe road within 500 meters shall be washed and wet swept no less than 4 times a day, and the road within 500-2000 meters shall be washed and wet swept no less than 2 times a day.Other areas should be wet swept at least once a day。The special time is subject to the precise scheduling of the municipal Atmospheric Office and the frequency of operation is adjusted。

(3) The Great Urban Purge

The major cleaning of the relevant areas of the city should be achieved respectively3 regulation standard requirements。

1Roads, green belts on both sides and other public facilities。Road reachThe "net by gram" standard requires that green belts and other public facilities be restored to their natural color。

2Government offices, enterprises, public institutions, residential areas, squares and other public places。There is no visible dust accumulation on the ground and roof, no dust on the corner, and the green belt can restore the natural color of green plants。

3Construction site。Hardened floor no visible dust accumulation, enclosure outsideThe dust accumulation amount of the road in the range of 20 meters is not more than 2 grams/square meter, and the problem of the cover is not in place caused by wind and other reasons is re-covered to ensure that the "six hundred percent" requirements are fully met。

(4) Remediation of bare land

According to all hardenable hardening, can notHardening of the implementation of greening, unable to harden the greening of the enclosure closed and used not less2000目The order of the green net cover, the implementation of regulation。

(5) Transport vehicles in and out of urban areas

Muck transport vehicles all use fully sealed new energy vehicles, other bulk material transport vehicles closed cover in place, carrying vehicle passes within the validity period。

(6) Shop units in front of the renovation

Clean and level the bare land in front of the shop units on both sides of the national and provincial roads, implement ground hardening, cleaning and greening, and achieve"Hardening, purification, greening" three requirements。

Fourth, safeguard measures

(1) Responsibility for compaction work。Each township (street), Houma Economic Development Zone, the Municipal Bureau of Housing and Construction, the Municipal urban management brigade, the Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources, etc., shall determine the responsible personnel for the supervision of construction sites and the rectification of bare land dust, and implement special supervision。The municipal sanitation center shall carry out the rectification of road dust in urban areas"Street long system" management, one street one long, responsibility to people。The Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau should implement grid supervision of the urban cleaning area, divide the supervision grid, and clarify the grid boundaries, scope and responsible personnel。

(2) Comprehensive inspection。The municipal atmosphere Office should carry out inspections on the implementation of the work requirements of the clean city action, and check the key urban areasCheck the implementation of dust control measures within 500 meters no less than 3 times a week, no less than 1 time outside 500 meters, and take photos of the problems found on the spot and register them。

(3) Timely scheduling and rectification。The municipal Atmospheric Office timely dispatches the problems found, and tracks the rectification and implementation of the problems。At the same time, closely monitor the air quality site, site monitoring site data, foundPM10The high value immediately dispatches the relevant responsible subjects for investigation and rectification, requires rectification within a time limit and replies to the results. If the data does not improve or the results do not meet the requirements, continue to dispatch until the data improves and the rectification is in place。

(4) Punishment in place according to law。The Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau and Houma Economic Development Zone shall increase the inspection of the construction sites under their jurisdiction, punish the illegal acts of dust raising according to law and regulations, and report to the Municipal Atmospheric Office at the same time。

5. Serious reporting and accountability。The municipal atmospheric office is held every weekWechat groups such as the "Environmental Inspector Group" report the discovery of problems and the implementation of rectificationStrictly implementThe "trigger is accountability" requirement, for those who meet the requirements of the "Quantitative Accountability Measures for Houma Air Pollution Remediation",The responsible person shall be transferred to the relevant unit according to the authority of cadre management。

6. Strictly assess rewards and punishments。The dust control work will be included in the annual target responsibility system assessment content, and increase the assessment weight。Responsible subjects for the implementation of effective work measures and excellent assessment of dust control,The assessment of ecological and environmental protection work will be rewarded with extra points;If the implementation of work measures is ineffective and the assessment of dust control is poor, the corresponding score will be deducted until"One vote no"。

Interpret the picture:Houma City People's Government Office on the issuance of the Houma City 2023 Clean City Action Implementation Plan Notice


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