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Issuing Agency: Houma City People's Government Office Cable number: 11140981012790572U-2/2022-00057
标     题: Houma City People's Government Office on the issuance of Houma City modern pharmaceutical industry chain long system work promotion program notice Written date: 2022-10-19
文     号: Hou Government Office issued [2022] 57 Release Date: 2022-10-19
Subject categories: Health, physical education Subject word: Pharmaceutical industry

Township people's governments, sub-district offices,Houma Economic Development Zone Management Committee, the cityAll relevant units:

Houma Modern pharmaceutical Industry Chain long system work promotion PlanThe municipal people's government has agreedPlease carry it out carefully。

Houma City People's Government Office

This article is published publicly             20221019

Houma CityPeople's government office

Modern pharmaceutical industry chain long system work promotion plan

For in-depth implementation全省Key industrial chain long system work conference spirit, accelerate the promotion of our city's modern pharmaceutical industry chain"Build chain, extend chain, strong chain, and supplement chain", focusing on enhancing comprehensive competitiveness and building百亿Industrial clusters, according to the "Shanxi Key industrial chain and industrial chain long working mechanism implementation plan" task divisionAnd "Shanxi Province modern pharmaceutical industry chain long system work promotion plan" requirements,制This work programme。

1. Guiding ideology

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,We will fully implement the principles of the 19th CPC National Congress and all its plenary sessions,深入贯彻习近平总书记考察调研山西重要指示精神,按照省委全方位推动高质Overall requirements for quantitative development,The 12th Provincial Party Congress, the Fifth Party Congress of Linfen City,Houma City 12th Party Congress and“两会”决策部署,Close around our city1236Development ideaFocus on building large pharmaceutical industry, large cluster and large platform in southern Shanxi目标,Give full play to the advantages of regional transportation hub, resource integration and industry in our cityAgglomeration advantage,Pharmaceutical industry chain constructionAs the starting point, the project construction as the carrier, strengthen the element support,优化Industrial structure, strict industrial supervision,Strengthen policy supportDeepen opening-up and cooperationWe will accelerate the development of regional characteristics鲜明The overall strength is strong, the chain covers multiple医药产业Cluster construction努力构建South Jinnan region with Houma as the centerModern pharmaceutical industry system, to promote all aspectsPharmaceutical industryHigh quality development provided有力支撑。

Second, overall objectives

(1) Develop a modern pharmaceutical industry chain"Strong chain, complement chain, extend chain" action

In 2022, the scale of the city's modern pharmaceutical industry will exceed 1 billion yuan。In 2025, the city's modern medicine to achieve an output value of 5 billion yuan2030年,The city's modern medicine to achieve output value100亿元

(2) Developing a modern pharmaceutical industry chainCapacity expansion, increment, efficiency improvement行动。

Expand the planting area of Chinese medicinal materials to form10,000 mu planting demonstration and promotion base, in Houma surrounding counties to promote the formation of 300,000 mu of Chinese herbal medicine planting baseFocusing on the primary processing of Chinese herbal medicine, the production of Chinese herbal medicine slices, and the production of proprietary Chinese medicine, the focus is on solving the shortage of deep processing and storage capacity of Chinese herbal medicineA problem of...To further expand the scale of production capacity and improve innovation and development capabilitiesInnovate the sales model, strengthen the integration of online and offline, and guide consumption to continue to improve through a precise and experiential modelStrengthen trade service capabilities, innovate and develop the original sales model, and establish a modern logistics networkExpand the development of the health industryPromote the medical culture, enhance the health experience, and promote the continuous expansion of the industrial chain。

3. Organization

(1) Chain length

Li JingjingDeputy mayor

(2) Auxiliary chain length

Dong Yanyang  City digital economy development service center deputy director

He Sanjun  Director of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce

(3) The person in charge of the special class

General responsible personHe Sanjun  Director of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce

Responsible personWang Shougai  Deputy Director of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce

(4) Member units

Wang Chunying  Municipal Development and Reform BureauDeputy director general

  Municipal natural resourcesDeputy director general

    Municipal industrial information bureauDeputy director general

  Municipal ecological environmentDeputy director general

Bai Xiaohua  Municipal agriculture and rural areasDeputy director general

Liu Xiaobo  Municipal health bodyDeputy director general

Jeong Geun-minMunicipal administrative examination and approvalDeputy director general

Zhang Aijiang  Municipal energyDeputy director general

Li JuleiMarket supervisionDeputy director general

  Municipal science and technology service centerDeputy director

    Municipal banking and insurance regulatorGroup office director

(五)Chain owner

Shanxi Wanglong Pharmaceutical Group Co., LTD

Job responsibilities

(1) In-depth research and mapping, sorting out the development status of the industrial chain, and comprehensively mastering the industrial chain industry scale, main technologies and products, and supporting enterprises。

(2) Study and formulate a list of key tasks for the modern pharmaceutical industry chain。

(3) Promote the development of industrial chain enterprises, investment promotion, project construction, talent introduction, technological innovation and other major matters。

(4) To promote the construction of major projects in the modern pharmaceutical industry chain, accurately help the coordinated development of the industrial chain, establish a problem collection, opinion distribution, timely feedback, sales management and other problem solving mechanism, and coordinate to solve major difficult problems in the development。

(5) Cooperate with industry authorities to study and put forward policies and measures to support the development of modern pharmaceutical industry chain。

(6) Establish a daily scheduling notification mechanism for industrial chain development and strengthen work coordination。

(7) Implement other tasks assigned by the leadership。

, key tasks

In accordance with the principles of reasonable layout, obvious characteristics, intensive and efficient, ecological and environmental protection, relying on我市Existing industrial advantages endowment, the formation of Wanglong Group as the chain masterAgglomeration of resource elementsModern medicineIndustrial cluster,Actively carry out"Strong chain, complement chain, extend chain" action。

1. Fostering and strengthening industrial chains

Promote the primary industry with the construction of industrial chainExpand the scaleStrong quality,Improve efficiencyWe will further promote agricultural enterprisesCooperative developmentIn 2023, it will build a demonstration base of 1,000 mu of Chinese herbal medicine planting, a demonstration base of 10,000 mu of Chinese herbal medicine planting and promotion in 2025, and a planting scale of 300,000 mu of Chinese herbal medicine in the counties around Houma by 2030。

Promote the secondary industry with the construction of industrial chainImplement digitalization and intelligenceinformatization改造,One step furtherEnhancement industryChain stability, security and competitiveness全面Complete the deep processing of traditional Chinese medicineProduction capacity improvement construction project, toBy 2030, we will gradually complete the construction of research and development testing center, Chinese patent medicine production base, functional food production base, Chinese herbal medicine granule production base, medical equipment production base and other projects。

The construction of industrial chain to cultivate the tertiary industry to form a multi-field服务Functional loopecosphereFurther expand the overall scale and level of the pharmaceutical industry chain。Full cultivation in 2022建成Wanglong Pharmacy200 chain stores, and strive to reach 3,000 chain stores by 2025, and build a trade market for large health products such as Chinese medicinal materials, which will be completed by 2030医药Great health industry city construction。

Enhance the innovation capacity of the industrial chain

Planning and layout around the industrial chain, industrial chainChain master enterprise andRelated enterprises, cooperatives, etc., increase科技Innovation intensity,集聚Play enterprise联合Technical advantages, do a good job of technical guidance and driving role。Make full use of demonstration bases to lead,生产Technological transformation and various support measures for scientific and technological innovation, and the use of capital subsidies to guide the establishment of innovation cooperation consortionsJoint scientific research institutes and other forms to accelerate the key technologies of the industrial chain关,加速Innovation platform全面布局。加强New technologyNew technology,The promotion and application of new products, through collaborative innovation, comprehensively improve the industrial chain guarantee ability。

Precise investment promotion

Give play to the key role of investment promotion, focus on the weak links of the industrial chain, accurately target, and deeply carry out investment promotion of the industrial chain。Use relevant professional exhibitions to build a platform for investment cooperation。We will support investment promotion in the industrial chain,围绕医药Industrial chainEvery fieldCarry out practical cooperation and work together打造Large projects and good projects with sufficient gold content, large green content and high new content can be shared产业Development opportunities and dividends, to achieve a win-win situation,Mutual benefit。强化Project advancement center“链Enterprise collaboration to further innovate investment and financing mechanisms,优化Access threshold, create a good business environment, stimulate the vitality of private capital investment,Accelerate constructionMulti-financing, prolific联动”现代医药Industrial system。

Safeguard measures and working mechanism

1. Strengthen organizational leadership。Establish a modern pharmaceutical industry chain length systemWorking class,按照The pharmaceutical industry chain is longDecision and deployment,及时Study important matters and formulate corresponding measures措施统筹推进我市Modern pharmaceutical industry chain related work。专班In accordance with“高位Scheduling and integration作战、flattening办理Job requirementsRegularly schedule the work progress of various departments, key enterprises and key projects, and scientifically propose a timetable and roadmap for work promotion.督促Each member unitImplementation refinementMission objective

2. Strengthening accountability。All relevant member units should deeply understand the importance of the modern pharmaceutical industry chain chain system, effectively shoulder their responsibilities, in accordance withShanxi Province Key industrial chain and industrial chain length working mechanism Implementation PlanThe main objectives and key tasks identified in this program are responsiblePolicy making,Follow-up coordination,Follow up services and other work, focus on the implementation of various tasks, and ensure that policies are in place, measures are in place, and results are in place。All relevant units should actively play their role in accordance with the unified deployment, and actively promote the in-depth development of the modern pharmaceutical industry chain。

3. Strengthening oversight and accountability。The work class should strengthen the tracking, analysis, supervision and guidance of the promotion process of the modern pharmaceutical industry chain chain system.及时Summarize and popularize advanced experienceOrganize effectiveness evaluation in a timely manner,Strengthen work accountabilityTo ensure that all工作Be arrested”“Grasp in place”“Paid off

) Scheduled scheduling指挥Conference research and judgment,Field research, field office, etc., yes我市Implementation of modern pharmaceutical industry chain work"Monthly dispatch"Important matters are scheduled at any time制度Emphasis pairProgress in implementation, new developments, and outstanding difficulties have been promoted进行Study carefully拿出Coordinate ideas and solutions

Implementation list管理。According to the map of modern pharmaceutical industry chain and key tasks, hierarchical management is implementedAccount closing system。All relevant departments,Units should combine work responsibilities and task division,Take a thorough look at the bottomI am involved in the pharmaceutical industry情况Set up working ledgers by category明确Task listResponsibility list, time limit list, timelyTrack and advance, dynamic adjustment每月对账销号”。

)强化Factor guaranteeEach departmentAdhere to the initiative of docking, forward service, actively coordinate to solve the problems in the construction of the project, and promote the early production of the project to achieve efficiency。We will strengthen the ability to guarantee factors, and provide support for major projects in the industrial chain in terms of approval services, project land use, and ecological energy consumption。Actively guide financial institutions to carry out accurate docking services around the key capital needs of the industrial chain, and give special preferential policy support in the approval process, loan scale, credit granting, interest rates and other aspects。

Document interpretation: Houma City People's Government Office on the issuance of Houma City modern pharmaceutical industry chain long system work promotion program notice


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