Township people's governments, sub-district offices, Houma Economic Development Zone Administrative Committee, relevant units directly under the city, and people's organizations:

Now the city of HoumaThe 14th Five-Year Plan for the Protection and Development of the Disabled is issued to you. Please organize and implement it carefully。

                                Houma CityPeople's government

This article is released to the public)            202438        

Houma CityThe 14th Five-Year Plan for the protection of persons with disabilities andDevelopment planning

为深入贯彻落实党的二十大精神和习近平总书记关于The disabled事业的重要论述重要指示精神,进一步保障和改善The disabled民生,促进The disabled事业全面发展,根据《临汾市The 14th Five-Year Plan for the Protection and Development of the Disabled, the 14th Five-Year Plan for the National Economic and Social Development of Houma City and the Outline of the Vision Goals for 2035,编Cost planning。

一、Compilation background

During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the municipal Party committee and the municipal government adhered to the people-centered development thought, attached great importance to the cause of the disabled, and in accordance with the requirement of "building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, not one disabled person can be less".全市354名All registered poor disabled people were lifted out of poverty on schedule.208 disabled people in urban and rural areas were employed, 1,147 disabled people were included in minimum living allowances and received living allowances for disabled people with difficulties, and 3,359 severely disabled people received nursing subsidies。Certified persons with disabilities received 2,720 basic rehabilitation services, 1,336 assistive devices for persons with disabilities, 68 children with disabilities were screened under the provincial government's livelihood program, 133 children with disabilities received rescue rehabilitation, 1,337 people with disabilities received precision rehabilitation services, and 959 documents for persons with disabilities were newly issued。Skills training for 336 disabled people, support for employment of 36 people, grassroots party organizations to help 36 households with disabilities, "sunshine home" plan for the disabled to care for 20l people, the government to pay for the disabled health insurance, basic pension insurance for 2096 people。More than 95% of school-age children with disabilities were enrolled in school or sent to their homes for education, seven disabled students were enrolled in the national college entrance examination and single enrollment, and 100 percent of targeted poverty alleviation AIDS were adapted, and more than 90 percent of basic AIDS for disabled people were adapted。The barrier-free environment in cities has continued to improve, cultural and sports activities for persons with disabilities have been widely carried out, and the social atmosphere for helping the disabled has become increasingly strong。The disabled have the courage to face the challenges of life and pursue themGood lifeIt has made positive contributions to the city's economic and social development。Disabled people and the people of the whole city have entered a well-off society together, and the cause of disabled people has made great achievements。

The cause of the disabled is an important part of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Improving and protecting the livelihood of the disabled and promoting social civilization and progress are important aspects of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects。我市有1.20,000 disabled people, 6,017 certified disabled people。当前The development of the cause of persons with disabilities still faces many difficulties and problems: First, due to the high risk of persons with disabilities returning to poverty due to physical reasons, the family life of low-income persons with disabilities is still difficult, and the foundation for persons with disabilities to increase their income and become rich is still weak。Second, the level of social security and the quality of employment for disabled persons are not high, and the per capita income of disabled families still lags far behind the average level of society。Third, the supply capacity and level of public services for persons with disabilities still cannot meet their diverse needs for medical care, rehabilitation and accessibility。Fourth, the equal rights and interests of persons with disabilities have not been fully guaranteed, and discrimination and infringement of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities still occur from time to time。The cause of persons with disabilities is still a weak link and weakness in economic and social developmentDuring the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, we continued to increase our efforts to tackle difficult problems and gradually improve and enhance them。

Second, general requirements

(1) Guiding ideology

坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面深入贯彻党的二十大精神习近平总书记视察山西重要讲话重要Directives and the spirit of important discourse on the cause of the disabledFully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, adhere to the principle of helping the weak, consolidate and expand the high-quality development achievements of the disabled, and strive to promote the high-quality development of the cause of the disabled。Focusing on promoting the all-round development and common prosperity of persons with disabilities, ensuring their equal rights, improving their quality of life, and enhancing their ability for self-development,Ensure the city wideThe disabledOn the road to common prosperity"Leave no one behind"Comprehensively create a new situation of high-quality development of the cause of disabled people in Houma。

(2) Basic principles

Uphold the overall leadership of the Party。Improve the party committee leadership, the government is responsible for the work of the disabledThe leadership system provides a strong political and organizational guarantee for the protection and development of the cause of the disabled

Adhere to the people-centered approach。Efforts should be made to solve the most direct and realistic interests of persons with disabilities, and constantly stimulate their enthusiasm, initiative and creativityEffectively enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of persons with disabilities。

Stick to the bottom line。We will speed up efforts to strengthen weak areas and strengthen the foundation, improve and implement the social welfare system and care and service system for persons with disabilities, secure the safety net to ensure their livelihood, and help them share in the fruits of economic and social development。

Adhere to coordinated development。We should give full play to the leading role of the government and the driving role of social forces and market mechanisms, integrate resources, integrate policies, and optimize services, and make the cause of persons with disabilities more balanced, adequate, and sustainable。

3. Development goals

2025年Progress in poverty alleviation for persons with disabilities has been consolidated and expandedThe disabledThe quality of life has been improved, and the well-being of people with disabilities has reached a new level。

-- A multi-level social security system for disabled people has been basically established。The basic livelihood of persons with disabilities has been steadily guaranteedThe severely disabled receive better care。

-- A support system for employment and entrepreneurship for persons with disabilities has taken shape。The scale of employment has continued to expand, and the quality of employment has significantly improved。

-- Basic public services for persons with disabilities have reached a new level。Disability prevention and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities have been comprehensively strengthened, the special education system has been improved, the role of service platforms for persons with disabilities has been fully leveraged, and the barrier-free environment has been continuously improved。

-- The foundation for the development of the cause of persons with disabilities has become more solid。The legal system for the cause of persons with disabilities has been improved, organizational construction has been further strengthened, and the ideological, moral and cultural quality of persons with disabilities and their ability to participate in social life have been significantly improved。The basic security conditions of undertakings for persons with disabilities have been significantly improved, and their quality and efficiency have been continuously improved。

In 2035, the cause of the disabled will meet the modernization goal of the city, and the material life of the disabled will be more prosperous, the spiritual life will be richer, and the social atmosphere of equality and inclusiveness will be stronger。Persons with disabilities fully enjoy the right to equal participation and equitable development, and substantial progress has been made in their all-round development and common prosperity。

Box 1 "14th Five-Year Plan" Houma City disability protection and development main indicators

类  别

指    标


Index attribute

Income sum


1.Average annual growth of per capita income of families with disabilities (%)

With citywide area

Gross product

Synchronized growth


2.Vocational skills training for disabled persons in urban and rural areas



Social security

Basic principle of harmony


3.Proportion of eligible persons with disabilities covered by the minimum living allowance (%)


Binding character

4.Life of disabled people with difficultiesSubsidy coverage (%)


Binding character

5.Coverage of subsidized care for severely disabled persons (%)


Binding character

6.Participation rate of basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents with disabilities (%)



7.Participation rate of basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents with Disabilities (%)



8.Compulsory education enrollment rate of children and adolescents with disabilities (%)


Binding character

9.Coverage of basic rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities (%)


Binding character

10.Assistive device adaptation rate for persons with disabilities (%)


Binding character

11.Number of home barrier-free improvement for severely disabled Persons (households)


Binding character

3. Key tasks

(1) Improve the social security system, improve people's livelihood, and promote the sense of empowerment of persons with disabilities

oneWe will consolidate and expand the achievements made in poverty alleviation for persons with disabilities。After the completion of poverty alleviation targetsDuring the five-year transition period, major support policies were generally stable,We will improve existing assistance policies,Carry out regular data comparison,We will improve the mechanism for dynamic monitoring, early warning and assistance of people prone to returning to poverty,It has real-time access to living allowances for disabled people with difficulties, nursing subsidies for severely disabled people, basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents, basic old-age insurance and social assistancePolicy implementation, early detection, early intervention, early help, and resolutely hold the bottom line of no large-scale return to poverty。Disabled people who have completely or partially lost their ability to work and cannot obtain a stable income through industrial employment are included in the minimum living allowances or assistance and support for people in extreme poverty, so as to ensure that they are fully protected and fully covered。In accordance with the requirements of consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting them with rural revitalization, we will continue to do a good job in helping low-income families of disabled people in rural areas, and continue to mobilize social forces to participate in helping disabled people。We will improve the benefit linkage mechanism, and actively guide low-income families with disabilities to participate in rural modernization industries by means of land trusteeship and ownership of rural land contracts and management rights, and share the value-added benefits of the industrial chain。Give full play to the important role of grass-roots party organizations in supporting the disabled, help disabled people share the fruits of collective economic development in deepening the reform of the rural collective property rights system, prioritize the implementation of various policies for the benefit of disabled people in the prevention of returning to poverty monitoring households, and organize and coordinate all partiesStrengthen the care and care for the disabled。(Lead unit: Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural AffairsMunicipal Rural Revitalization Bureau;Participating units: Municipal Organization Department, Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Natural Resources Bureau, Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, Municipal Health and Sports Bureau, Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation)

2.Social assistance and security for the disabled will be strengthened。For eligible persons with disabilities and families with disabilities, assistance or minimum living allowances for people in extreme poverty are provided, and low-income families with primary and secondary severe disabilities and tertiary intellectual and mental disabilities are included in the scope of separately applying for subsistence allowances, so as to achieve the convergence of social assistance policies with assistance policies for persons with disabilities, and expand the scope of assistance for persons with disabilities。We will strengthen assistance, resettlement and family tracing services for homeless and begging disabled people。We will do a good job in providing medical assistance to eligible disabled people, strengthen the complementarities between medical assistance and basic medical insurance and serious illness insurance, reduce the burden of medical expenses for disabled people, and improve a diversified insurance system with basic old-age insurance and medical insurance for disabled people as the main body and commercial insurance as the supplement。We will strengthen temporary assistance and provide assistance to disabled people in need during public emergencies such as major epidemics。(Responsible unit: Civil Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Health and Sports Bureau, Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, Municipal Emergency Management Bureau, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation)

3.We will accelerate the development of care and care services for the disabled。We will actively develop service-based social assistance and promote long-term care services for persons with disabilities。Efforts are made to improve the ability of the city's assistance and support service institutions to provide care services to disabled people with special difficulties, and to provide social care services in various forms such as centralized care, day care, home services, and neighborhood assistance to eligible severely disabled people。The government purchases services or guides volunteers to provide necessary visiting and care services for disabled people who cannot take care of themselves in social assistance families。We will implement policies to support care institutions for people with disabilities and increase the number of people of working age.16-59 years old) the efforts to provide nursing services for the mentally, mentally and severely physically disabled, improve the construction of the rehabilitation center for the disabled in Houma City, increase investment in hardware, make innovative breakthroughs in management, and implement the government-purchased rehabilitation nursing project。Support elderly care service institutions to improve their service functions, accept eligible blind, deaf and other elderly disabled people, elderly people who cannot take care of each other and adult disabled children can live together in elderly care institutions, and actively explore ways to foster professional social service institutions to participate in the care and care services for disabled people through government purchase of services。(Lead unit: Civil Affairs Bureau, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation;Participating unit: Municipal Finance Bureau)

4.We will improve insurance coverage and benefits for the disabled。We will ensure that the government pays basic old-age insurance premiums and supplementary old-age insurance for urban and rural residents on behalf of persons with severe disabilities, and subsidize eligible persons with disabilities to participate in basic medical insurance and accident insurance for urban and rural residents。Implement wellThe policy of including 29 eligible medical rehabilitation projects for persons with disabilities in the coverage of basic medical insurance, gradually promoting the inclusion of assistive devices closely related to medical care in the coverage of basic medical insurance or long-term care insurance, and doing a good job of outpatient security for insured patients with severe psychiatric drug maintenance treatment in accordance with regulations。Support employed disabled persons to participate in unemployment insurance according to law and enjoy unemployment insurance benefits。We will encourage employers to participate in work-related injury insurance in accordance with the law, pay work-related injury insurance benefits in accordance with regulations, and strengthen the prevention of work-related injuries and the rehabilitation of work-related injuries。The long-term care insurance system has been implemented, and eligible persons with disabilities are covered by the insurance。Continue to do a good job of obtaining a certificate for employment agePeople with disabilities are encouraged to buy accident insurance and participate in commercial insurance such as supplementary pension。Encourage commercial insurance institutions to develop commercial insurance products for the disabled, property trust and other services。(Responsible unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Health and Sports Bureau, Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation)

5.We will improve the social welfare system and preferential policies for persons with disabilities。We will improve the implementation of the living allowance system for disabled people with difficulties and the nursing subsidy system for severely disabled people, do a good job of linking the two subsidy systems for disabled people with other systems, and gradually expand the coverage of subsidies。Implementation lowGuarantee, extremely poorThe disabled family life electricity, heatingPreferential subsidy policy。We have implemented preferential policies for people with disabilities to take urban public transport, and provided preferential facilities for people with disabilities at stations。We will strengthen medical care, rehabilitation, education and other services for disabled orphans and children with disabilities who have no one to support them, and ensure that the basic standard of living is properly implemented。We will accelerate the development of a mental health welfare service system to provide rehabilitation, care and other services for persons with special difficulties。Priority should be given to housing security for low-income families with disabilities。We will continue to pay attention to the housing security of low-income families with disabilities in rural areas, and prioritize public rental housing for eligible families with disabilities in urban areas。We will implement preferential treatment policies for disabled servicemen and police officers。(Responsible units: Civil Affairs Bureau, Municipal Public Security Bureau, Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, Municipal Transportation Bureau, Municipal Health and Sports Bureau, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation, Municipal Bureau of Veterans Affairs)

6.We will strengthen the protection of persons with disabilities in public emergencies。China has formulated an emergency response plan for public emergencies, and strengthened social support and protection for persons with disabilities during public emergencies such as major epidemics, natural disasters and safety accidents。For persons with disabilities who are isolated at home due to public emergencies such as the epidemic or the isolation of their caregivers, the government will identify the persons responsible for the guarantee, promptly visit them, and provide necessary assistance。We will strengthen capacity building for safety, emergency services and fire safety in places where people with disabilities live and in institutions serving them。Village (community) through knotBy means of assistance, popularization of science, and emergency response exercises, disabled people can receive timely rescue and evacuation in emergencies, and improve their ability to save themselves and each other。(Lead unit: Municipal Emergency Management Bureau;Participating units: Municipal Public Security Bureau, Municipal Health and Sports Bureau, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation)

Box 2: Key social security projects for the disabled

1.Minimum living allowance。All eligible families with disabled persons will be included in the scope of the minimum living allowance, and severely disabled families on the edge of the subsistence allowance will be coveredPerson applying for participationIf a single household is included in the scope of the subsistence allowance, severely disabled people who still have difficulties in living after being included in the subsistence allowance shall pressAccording to the proportion of no less than 5 ~ 10% of the local subsistence standard, the rescue standard shall be raised。

2.Living allowance for disabled persons with difficulties and severe disabilitiesSick care allowance。Implement the dynamic adjustment mechanism of the "two subsidies" standard, gradually expand the coverage of subsidy objects, and implement the "cross-provincial general Office" for the identification of two subsidy qualifications.。

3.Support for basic assistive devices for the disabled。Through government subsidies and other means, support is provided to disabled people who meet the conditions and need to adapt rehabilitation AIDS。

4.Disability assessment allowance。Subsidize disability assessment and facilitate disability assessment services for eligible persons with disabilities。

5.Commercial insurance subsidy。We will continue to implement the accident-injury insurance program for people with disabilities of working age。

6.Visiting service for disabled persons with difficulties。Village (residential) committees and disabled persons' associations carry out regular visits to disabled persons with difficulties, report problems in a timely manner, and assist in solving them。

7.Low-income care services for severely disabled people。Relying on public service facilities in qualified villages (communities), various forms of social care services such as centralized care, day care, home services, and neighborhood assistance are provided to qualified persons with severe disabilities。

8.Care services for disabled persons of working age。Townships (subdistricts) shall establish nursing service institutions for the disabled as needed,Or relying on Party and mass service centers, community service centers, social welfare institutions, social organizations, enterprises, etc., to provide life care and nursing, self-care ability training, social adaptability training, vocational rehabilitation and labor skills training, and auxiliary employment services for intellectual, mental and severely physically disabled people of employment age。

(2) Strengthen the implementation of policies, take multiple measures to promote employment and entrepreneurship, and promote the self-development ability of persons with disabilities

oneLaws and regulations on the employment of persons with disabilities will be implemented。We will implement policies to support the employment of persons with disabilities, and ensure funding for employment training, employment services, subsidies and incentives for persons with disabilities。Implement the Measures for Party and Government Organs, Public Institutions and State-owned Enterprises to Take the Lead in Placing Persons with Disabilities in Employment。Strengthen the connection between employment promotion policies for persons with disabilities and social security policies, and reduce the necessary employment costs in the calculation of their household income for those who support poverty alleviation or employment assistance, self-employment and other relief through policies, and pay them when the per capita income of their family members exceeds the local subsistence standardSix months to fade。We will carry out law enforcement actions to guarantee employment for persons with disabilities in accordance with the law, and severely crack down on violations of their legitimate rights and interests。Eliminate social and employer discrimination against persons with disabilities in employment, protect their right to equal employment, commend individuals and employers with disabilities for their advanced employment in accordance with relevant state regulations, and create a more inclusive and fair employment environment。(Responsible unit: Municipal Organization Department, Civil Affairs Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation)

2.Multiple measures have been taken to promote employment and entrepreneurship of persons with disabilities。We will launch a special campaign to promote employment of persons with disabilities。We will implement support policies such as incentives for persons with disabilities to find employment or start their own businesses and preferential taxation and government procurement for units with concentrated employment of persons with disabilities。Employers that formally recruit (employ) persons with disabilities shall, in accordance with regulations, provide one-time employment subsidies and other subsidies。The certification of the employment of persons with disabilities in proportion to the network will be achievedInter-provincial liaison Office。We will support the sustainable development of non-profit centralized employment agencies for persons with disabilities。In terms of business sites, facilities and equipment, social insurance subsidies, and financial credits, disabled people should be supported to start their own businesses and find flexible employment, and disabled people should be encouraged to find employment through new forms of employment。We will strengthen support and guarantee for auxiliary employment institutions for persons with disabilities, and organize persons with intellectual, mental and severe physical disabilities, who have more difficulties in finding employment, to participate in productive labor, undertake vocational rehabilitation, and achieve social integration。We will make overall plans for existing public welfare posts and arrange employment for qualified disabled people。Implement the "Measures for the Management of Medical Massage for the Blind" to support and standardize the development of the blind massage industry。Expand employment channels for persons with disabilities, especially blind people, in the fields of culture and art, mental health and Internet services。Barrier-free support services are provided for disabled people, especially deaf people, to participate in vocational skills training, employment and entrepreneurship。Support handicrafts and other employment and entrepreneurship projects for disabled women, and encourage disabled people to participate in the cultural industry。Support persons with disabilities to participate in cultural and creative industries such as non-genetic inheritance, and create their own brands。Support relatives of persons with disabilities to find employment or start businesses, and achieve zero employment for at least one person in a disabled family。(Lead unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau;Participating units: Municipal Finance Bureau, Civil Affairs Bureau, Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, Municipal Tax Bureau, Municipal Women's Federation, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation)

Box 3: Key projects of employment subsidies and incentives for persons with disabilities

1.Subsidies for disabled persons to find employment or start their own businesses。For self-employmentDisabled persons with flexible employment conditions shall be given relevant subsidies。Subsidies will be given to disabled graduates of colleges and secondary vocational schools who seek employment and start their own businesses, and college students with disabilities will be encouraged to find employment and start their own businesses。

2.Apprenticeship allowance for disabled students。In accordance with regulations, disabled graduates from colleges and universities and secondary vocational colleges, as well as unemployed young people with disabilities aged 16 to 24 years old in urban and rural areas, are provided with certain standard subsidies during the internship period。

3.Subsidies to employers for recruiting (employing) persons with disabilities。Employers that formally recruit (employ) persons with disabilities shall, in accordance with regulations, provide various types of subsidies and subsidies such as one-time employment;Employers that arrange internship for disabled persons shall be provided with internship subsidies in accordance with regulations。

4.Employers' subsidies for arranging employment of disabled persons through public welfare posts。The employing units that arrange the employment of disabled persons through public welfare posts and pay social insurance premiums shall, in accordance with regulations, provide subsidies for social insurance and public welfare posts。

5.Employment service subsidy for persons with disabilities。Give full play to the role of public employment service agencies, labor dispatch companies and operational human resources service agencies in the connection of employment supply and demand for persons with disabilities。To encourage for-profit market entities to carry out public welfare employment services, and recommend stable employment of disabled persons, according to the actual number of employment after employment services to local social departments to apply for job introduction subsidies。

6.A disproportionate number of people with disabilities will be given employment incentives。According to the incentive measures of our province, the employer that arranges the employment of disabled persons in excess of proportion will be rewarded。

3.Strengthen vocational skills training。落实《The "14th Five-Year Plan" Vocational Skills Improvement Plan for Persons with Disabilities promotes the construction of a "certificate for everyone and a skilled society" to help those with employment aspirations and training needsAnd have the physical conditions and psychological quality to normally fulfill the needs of occupational positionsThe disabled get corresponding工种Vocational skills training and entrepreneurship training。Practical technical training for disabled people in rural areas will be provided according to their needs。Support qualified disability skill masters to establish workshops。We will improve the system for ensuring and managing vocational skills training for persons with disabilities。Organize disabled persons to participate in various vocational skills competitions。(Lead unit: Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation;Participating unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

4.We will improve employment services for persons with disabilities。We will improve the employment service system for persons with disabilities and improve the employment service network covering both urban and rural areas。We will give full play to the role of employment service agencies for persons with disabilities and various public employment service platforms, human resources service agencies, and social organizations to provide full-chain, specialized, and precise services for persons with disabilities and employers。We will implement the employment counselor system for persons with disabilities and expand the number of employment counselors。For college graduates with disabilities"One person, one policy" employment service。Eligible disabled persons with employment difficulties will be included in the scope of employment assistance, and special employment service activities such as "Employment Assistance Month" will be continued。Explore supportive employment services for people with mental and intellectual disabilities。Employment services for persons with disabilities should be provided through government purchase of services, broadening service channels and improving service quality。Actively build or contact platforms for professional personnel exchange, marketing of employment products for persons with disabilities, and display of employment and entrepreneurship results for persons with disabilities。(Lead unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau;Participating unit: Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation)

5.Protect the employment rights and interests of persons with disabilities。Follow up with superiorsFor persons with disabilities who have the physical condition and psychological quality to perform their duties normally, their equal employment rights and interests shall be guaranteed according to law。The employing unit shall provide disabled employees with working conditions, labor protection, barrier-free environment and reasonable convenience suitable for their physical and mental characteristics, and give them equal treatment in promotion, promotion, evaluation of professional titles, social insurance and living benefits。We will strengthen labor supervision over the employment of persons with disabilities, and resolutely prevent and crack down on acts that infringe upon their rights and interests in employment。(Lead unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau;Participating units: Municipal Organization Department, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation)

Box 4: Key projects of employment services for persons with disabilities

1.Party and government organs, public institutions and state-owned enterprises take the lead in arranging employment programs for the disabled。By 2025, the number of party and government organs with 50 or more employees and the number of public institutions with 67 or more employees (except primary and secondary schools and kindergartens) that arrange the employment of disabled persons will not reach the total number of employees in their units.In 5%, at least one disabled person will be employed。More than 15 percent of the cadre of DPF organs should be disabled。State-owned enterprises that have not reached the prescribed proportion of employment for disabled persons shall, in accordance with the characteristics of the industry, actively develop positions suitable for the employment of disabled persons and arrange the employment of disabled persons。

2.Construction project of employment support base for the disabled in rural areas。Relying on various new types of agricultural business entities, support a number of employment assistance bases for persons with disabilities, and promote stable employment of persons with disabilities and increased production and income。

3.Vocational skills training and business incubation base construction projects for the disabled。Relying on enterprises, vocational colleges and social training institutions, a number of vocational skills training and business incubation bases for persons with disabilities have been established to improve vocational skills training, internship and employment services for persons with disabilities。

4.Blind massage enhancement project。Support the construction of massage training bases and massage institutions for the blind。

5.Public welfare post project for the disabled。We will increase and set up public welfare jobs suitable for disabled people, and give priority to disabled people with suitable conditions。

(3) Improve the prevention and rehabilitation system, improve the service level, and promote the happiness of persons with disabilities。

oneThe quality of rehabilitation services for the disabled will be improved。We will strengthen and improve medical and health services and raise the level of health protection for persons with disabilities。We support family doctors in providing personalized contracted services such as basic medical care, public health and health management for persons with disabilities, and safeguard their equal right to medical treatment。Strengthen mental health services and pay attention to the health of women with disabilities。We will continue to implement targeted rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities, improve the basic rehabilitation service catalogue for persons with disabilities, improve the three-level rehabilitation medical service system of rehabilitation medicine departments in general hospitals, rehabilitation centers and primary medical and health institutions, and focus on improving the rehabilitation service capabilities of primary medical and health institutions。We will strengthen the construction of various types of rehabilitation service institutions for persons with disabilities, strengthen the construction of non-profit rehabilitation service institutions for persons with disabilities through public and private forms of public assistance, enrich the functions of vocational rehabilitation, social rehabilitation, psychological rehabilitation and other rehabilitation services, promote the market-oriented development of rehabilitation services, and improve the quality of rehabilitation services。We have implemented the rehabilitation and assistance policy for disabled children, promoted the upgrading and expansion of rehabilitation and assistance for disabled children, and ensured that all disabled children in need should be provided with comprehensive assistance。Strengthen the supervision and guidance of the designated service institutions and the first review, standardized service, and dynamic withdrawal mechanism, and guide the standardized and healthy development of the rehabilitation and assistance of disabled children。Strengthen the comprehensive management mechanism for mental health, improve the mental health service system, and accelerate the development of community rehabilitation services for mental disorders。We will strengthen the standardized construction of rehabilitation institutions for disabled children, provide them with comprehensive rehabilitation services that focus on education and rehabilitation and combine medical and educational services, improve the rehabilitation service mechanism, and expand the scope of their services。Strengthen community rehabilitation, popularize family rehabilitation knowledge, and promote self-help and mutual assistance rehabilitation for persons with disabilities。Strengthen the training of rehabilitation professionals, carry out standardized training for rehabilitation professionals and technicians, and improve the ability to provide rehabilitation services。The project to improve TCM rehabilitation services has been implemented to promote the high-quality development of rehabilitation services。(Lead unit: Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation;Participating units: Municipal Political and Legal Committee, Municipal Bureau of Education and Science, Municipal Public Security Bureau, Municipal Health and Sports Bureau, Civil Affairs Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Municipal Women's Federation)

2We will strengthen the management of rehabilitation care services for persons with disabilities and the management of certificates for persons with disabilities。We will standardize the management standards for services such as rehabilitation and nursing care for persons with disabilities, and constantly meet their needs for such services。Give priority to supporting public welfare and inclusive service institutions, and support chain and brand operation of service institutions。To carry out a survey of service needs and service resources for persons with disabilities, actively provide suitable products and services for persons with disabilities, and carry out comprehensive performance evaluation。Strictly regulate the management of disability assessment and the issuance of disability certificates, strengthen the training of assessment physicians and professional personnel, and carry out the application of electronic certificates and certificates for persons with disabilities"Cross-provincial general Office" work。(Lead unit: Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation;Participating unit: Municipal Health and Sports Bureau)

3.Improving the adaptation of assistive devices for people with disabilities。Improve assistive device adaptation service network,Improve the technical level of rehabilitation AIDS adaptation service institutions for persons with disabilities,Optimize the adaptation service process,We will explore ways to monetize basic assistive devices for people with disabilities,We will support medical, rehabilitation and elderly care institutions, education, employment and nursing institutions for persons with disabilities, and social forces in providing adaptive services,We will enhance the capacity to supply high-quality rehabilitation AIDS。Organization and implementation"Fukang Project" for the disabled。Encourage the implementation of non-profit rehabilitation AIDS adaptation projects。Strengthen the training of professionals in assistive device adaptation for persons with disabilities, and promote the construction of professional and technical personnel in assistive device adaptation services and vocational and technical personnel。Strengthen the popularization of assistive devices knowledge, and promote the capacity building of "Internet + auxiliary adaptation" services。(Lead unit: Civil Affairs Bureau, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation;Participating units: Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Health and Sports Bureau, Municipal Market Supervision Bureau)

4.Improve the disability prevention mechanism。Implement disability prevention actions, promote disability prevention into relevant policies and regulations, incorporate it into the planning and deployment of various fields, improve the disability prevention service network, and enhance the comprehensive prevention and control capacity of disability risks in the whole society。Strengthen pre-marital, pre-pregnancy and pregnancy health care, do a good job of prenatal screening and diagnosis, strengthenEarly disability screening for children aged 0-6 years to prevent and reduce disability from birth defects and developmental disorders。We will strengthen the prevention and treatment of blindness and deafness, implement relevant disease prevention and intervention measures, and reduce disability caused by major chronic, infectious, endemic, occupational and mental diseases。We will strengthen the investigation and treatment of potential workplace safety hazards, strengthen traffic safety management, improve emergency response capacity for natural disasters, and reduce disability caused by disasters, accidents, and occupational injuries。In conjunction with the Disability Prevention Day, Ear Care Day, Eye Care Day and other nodes, the disability prevention publicity and education are widely carried out to enhance the awareness of the whole people on disability prevention。(Responsible unit: Municipal Propaganda Department, Municipal Bureau of Education, Municipal Public Security Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau,临汾Municipal ecological environmentThe game is dividedBureau, Municipal Transportation Bureau, Municipal Water Bureau, Municipal Health and Sports Bureau, Municipal Emergency Management Bureau, Municipal Financial Media Center, Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Network Information Office, Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Municipal League Committee, Municipal Women's Federation, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation)

Box 5: Key health and rehabilitation projects for persons with disabilities

1.Precision rehabilitation services for the disabled。China has carried out a survey and assessment of the rehabilitation needs of persons with disabilities, provided basic rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities in need, and provided home rehabilitation, care skills training and support services for family caregivers。Implement "Fukang" for people with disabilities and disabled orphans"Project", Medical Rehabilitation for Orphans Tomorrow program and other rehabilitation services。

2.Rehabilitation assistance program for disabled children。To provide eligible disabled children with surgery, assistive equipment adaptation, rehabilitation training and other services。

3.Integrated mental health management services。It provides daily detection, registration and reporting, follow-up management, medication guidance, community rehabilitation, psychological support and counseling services for patients with severe mental disorders, and provides skills training, psychological support and counseling services for family caregivers。We will improve the community rehabilitation service system for mental disorders。

4.Mutual aid rehabilitation program for the disabled。We will promote the "Hope House" for people with spinal cord injuries, the "Bright House" for people who go blind in the middle of the course, and mutual assistance programs for families of people with mental disorders。

5.Rehabilitation professional personnel training program。We will strengthen the construction of rehabilitation medical personnel, and carry out standardized training for professional and technical personnel in rehabilitation of persons with disabilities。Rehabilitation will be included in the training of general practitioners, family doctors and village doctors。

(4) Improve the education security system, strengthen the construction of culture and sports, and promote the development of public service industries for the disabled

oneWe will improve the guarantee mechanism for special education。We will continue to improve the operating conditions of special education schools, strengthen the standardized construction of special education schools, introduce new curriculum standards and new textbooks, and reform teaching and research。We will establish archives of left-behind disabled children in rural schools, strengthen territorial responsibilities and legal responsibilities of parents, and establish a collaborative child-rearing mechanism among schools, families, and society。We will strengthen the construction of special education teachers, innovate training methods, commend and reward them in accordance with relevant state regulations, and improve teaching ability and quality。We will strengthen supervision and quality monitoring and evaluation of special education。Implement the Second National Action Plan on the Standardization of Sign Language and Braille (2021-2025), actively participate in national sign language training, and accelerate the promotion of national Sign language and national Braille。(Lead unit: Municipal Bureau of Education;Participating unit: Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation)

2.Improve the education system for persons with disabilities。Adhere to moral education and promote the all-round development of children and adolescents with disabilities。Implement the"14th Five-Year Plan of Action for the Development and Promotion of Special Education。We will consolidate and raise the level of compulsory education for children and adolescents with disabilities, and accelerate the development of non-compulsory special education。We will accelerate the promotion of integrated education,Carry out integrated education courses,We will improve the quality of integrated education,We will improve the support and security system for regular schools to attend regular classes,We will give play to the role of the Expert Committee on the education of persons with Disabilities,Standardized evaluation of disabled children's ability to receive education,Implementation of age-appropriate disabled children and adolescents "one person, one case" scientific education placement,Discipline is taught at home。We will implement the policy of subsidizing disabled students from preschool to postgraduate education, and provide financial assistance to disabled students (young children) whose families have financial difficulties。We will properly implement the lottery public welfare fund program for disabled students。Support services such as assistive devices, special school supplies, rehabilitation training and barrier-free access have been provided to students with disabilities, and reasonable convenience has been provided for students with disabilities to participate in national education examinations and some vocational examinations。(Lead unit: Municipal Bureau of Education;Participating unit: Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation)

Box 6: Key projects in education for the disabled

1.The project to consolidate and improve compulsory education for disabled children and teenagers。Give full play to the role of the Expert Committee on Education for Persons with Disabilities, carry out a thorough investigation and standardized assessment of the school needs of school-age children and adolescents with disabilities, and provide scientific educational placement, and improve the popularization and retention rate of compulsory education for school-age children and adolescents with disabilities, and the enrollment rate of disabled children and adolescents in compulsory education is no less than 97%。

2.Pre-school rehabilitation education development project for disabled children。Kindergartens, preschool classes in regular schools, and rehabilitation institutions for children with disabilities are encouraged to enroll children with disabilities who meet the admission requirements, carry out preschool education and rehabilitation training, and actively promote integrated education。We will strengthen the construction of preschool special education and rehabilitation institutions for children with disabilities。

3.Vocational education promotion project for the disabled。Support ordinary vocational colleges to enroll students with disabilities who have the ability to receive general education。Special education schools and ordinary vocational colleges jointly carry out vocational education for the disabled and promote the integrated development of vocational education。

4.Integrated education outreach program。Regular schools enrolling children with disabilities should be supported in equipping them with necessary education, teaching, rehabilitation and training facilities and professional personnel。Encourage the setting up of regional resource centers or resource classrooms with classes。Under the same conditions, children with disabilities should be given priority in the enrollment area to enroll nearby。

5.Special education teacher training program。We will innovate ways to train special education teachers, strengthen the construction of special education teachers, and support college graduates in engaging in special education。Strengthen the supervision and quality monitoring and evaluation of special education, carry out commendations and awards in accordance with relevant regulations, and improve the ability and quality of teaching and education。

6.Assistance program for disabled students。We will continue to implement the program of subsidizing college students with disabilities and the children of families with disabled people to reduce the financial burden of college students and families with disabled people。

3.Public cultural services for the disabled will be improved。Encourage persons with disabilities to participate in public cultural activities and actively carry them outMass cultural and artistic activities for persons with disabilities, such as "Cultural Week for Persons with Disabilities" and "Sharing Fragrance and Creating Beauty Together", constantly enrich the cultural life of persons with disabilities, meet their cultural needs, enhance their spiritual strength, and stimulate their initiative to actively participate in the construction of advanced socialist culture。We will strengthen cultural services for severely disabled people and provide barrier-free cultural services for blind and deaf people。Encourage disabled people to participate in cultural and artistic creation and the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, and cultivate and explore special artistic talents for disabled people。(Lead unit: CityThe Disabled Persons' Federation;Participating units: Municipal Bureau of Education, Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs, Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Municipal Media Center)

4.We will promote the all-round development of sports for the disabled。We will actively promote the development of mass sports for the disabled。We will carry out rehabilitation and fitness campaigns for the disabled,Promote free access to public cultural and sports venues for persons with disabilities,People with disabilities will be included in the construction of the national fitness public service system as a key group,Organize disabled people to participate in all kinds of national fitness activities at all levels,Promote rehabilitation, fitness and sports services for people with disabilities,We will develop mass sports programs for people with disabilities。(Lead unit: Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation;Participating units: Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Health and Sports Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau)

Box 7: Key cultural and sports services for the disabled

1."Five ones" culture into the family, into the community project。Cultural services of "reading a book, watching a movie, visiting a garden, visiting an exhibition, participating in a cultural activity" are provided for families with severe disabilities。

2.Cultural services for the blind。We will promote the construction of reading rooms (areas) for the blind in public libraries, and increase the number of products and services such as braille books, audiobooks, large-print books, digital reading, and barrier-free movies and TV dramas。We will encourage movie theaters and cable TV to provide barrier-free movies服务。

3.Special arts outreach program。We encourage disabled people to participate in cultural creation, train special artistic talents and teachers for disabled people, and support art groups for disabled people to create and compile quality programs。

4.Cultural industry development project for the disabled。We will support the development of key cultural industry bases。

5.Sports promotion for the disabled。Improve the disabled sports competition training support and service capabilities, promote training through competition, and promote the comprehensive development of the city's disabled sports cause。

6.Excellent athlete training and transport action。Select excellent athletes for targeted training, constantly improve the competitive level, and send excellent athletes upward。

7.The disabled健身Sports action。Give full play to the role of physical fitness social sports instructors for the disabled, and promote fitness programs and methods suitable for the disabled。Activities such as "Fitness Week for the Disabled" have been organized。

5.We will vigorously develop charity programs and service industries for the disabled。Encourage the disabled persons' federations, trade unions, Communist Youth Leagues, women's federations, science and technology associations and other mass organizations, social organizations, enterprises and public institutions to carry out charity projects to help the disabled。In-depth development"Youth volunteers to help the disabled Sunshine action", "Care for my disabled neighbors", "collection of good products" consumer support for the disabled and other voluntary service and care actions。We will accelerate the development of services for persons with disabilities, such as rehabilitation AIDS, rehabilitation education, nursing care, life services, barrier-free services, and cultural and leisure services, to meet the needs of persons with disabilities for a diversified and multi-level quality of life。We will accelerate the cultivation of social organizations and enterprises that help people with disabilities by means of government purchase of services and cooperation between the government and private capital, and attract social forces and market entities to participate in services for people with disabilities。(Lead unit: Civil Affairs Bureau;Participating units: Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Municipal League Committee, Municipal Women's Federation, Municipal Science and Technology Association, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation)

(5) Safeguarding the rights and interests of persons with disabilities, creating a better environment for disabled people, and improving their sense of security

oneWe will improve the legalization of programs for the disabled。Implement the provisions of the Constitution, the Civil Code and other laws and regulations on protecting the rights and interests of persons with disabilities。We promoted the effective implementation of the Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities and other laws and regulations。The Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities and other relevant laws and regulations will be publicized and educatedThe "Eighth Five-Year Plan" is an important task to popularize the law, and various forms of publicity activities are carried out to improve itPublic awareness of laws, regulations and policies related to persons with disabilitiesThe ability of workers and persons with disabilities to use legal means to resolve conflicts and maintain social stability。Cooperate with the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in carrying out inspections, inspections and research on the enforcement of the Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities and other laws and regulations。Preferential provisions for the protection of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities have been formulated in light of actual conditions。(牵头单位: Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation;Participate in单位: Municipal Justice Bureau)

2.Innovative legal services and rights protection for persons with disabilities。The channels for democratic participation and consultation of persons with disabilities and their organizations are constantly broadened, their rights to information, participation, expression and supervision are effectively guaranteed, and special associations for persons with disabilities are guided to innovate the methods and contents of their activitiesActively perform their duties。We will support more persons with disabilities, their relatives and friends, and workers with disabilities to join people's congresses and CPPCC committees at all levels to participate in the deliberation and administration of state affairs and make suggestions and suggestions。Legal services, judicial assistance and legal aid for persons with disabilities have been carried out, and diversified mechanisms for resolving conflicts and disputes among persons with disabilities have been improved。A special campaign has been launched to encourage persons with disabilities to respect the law, look for the law when they are in trouble, solve problems, and resolve conflicts, and rely on the rule of law thinking and behavior habits。The state has made persons with disabilities a key target of public legal services, expanded the coverage of legal aid for persons with disabilities, and improved the quality of legal aid for persons with disabilities。The barrier-free function of public legal service platforms has been improved, the coordination mechanism for legal assistance for persons with disabilities has been improved, a team of public interest lawyers for persons with disabilities has been trained, and voluntary legal aid campaigns have been launched to help persons with disabilities obtain legal services in a timely manner。Smooth channels for letters and visits, give play to the role of the "12345" government service hotline for the convenience of the people, the "12385" disability service hotline and the online petition platform, and ensure that the handling of complaints and visits by persons with disabilities is timely and efficient。Establish and improve the emergency response mechanism for safeguarding the rights and interests of persons with disabilities。We will resolutely crack down on illegal and criminal acts that infringe upon the rights and interests of persons with disabilities。(牵头单位: Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation;Participate in单位: Municipal Public Security Bureau, Municipal Court, Municipal Procuratorate, Municipal Justice Bureau, Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau)

3.We will improve the management of barrier-free facilities。We will actively promote the standardization of barrier-free facilities。We will make coordinated efforts to build and upgrade barrier-free facilities in rural development, urban quality improvement, renovation of old urban communities and construction of residential communities, and make up for weaknesses in light of local conditions。Urban roads, public transportation, community service facilities, public service facilities and service facilities for persons with disabilities, and centralized employment units for persons with disabilities will accelerate the construction and renovation of barrier-free facilities so that they have barrier-free functions。Improve the barrier-free environment construction and transformation of urban public buses and public parking lots (garages), and promote free parking in public parking lots (stations) of the city for persons with disabilities。Improving the level of barrier-free renovation of families with disabilities。The renovation of rural toilets will take into account the needs of people with disabilities, and accelerate the promotion of barrier-free public toilets。Improve the level of planning, construction and management of barrier-free facilities, raise the awareness of the whole society about barrier-free facilities, mobilize the public and disabled people to participate extensively in the supervision and promotion of barrier-free facilities, strengthen the management and maintenance of barrier-free facilities, and ensure the safety and convenience of disabled people and the elderly。(Lead unit: Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau;Participating units: Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation, Municipal Transportation Bureau, Municipal Public Security Bureau)

4.We will accelerate the development of barrier-free information。As an important part of the construction of digital society, digital government and smart city, information accessibility should be included in the evaluation indicators of civilized cities。We will promote convenient and inclusive telecommunications services, and accelerate the development of barrier-free information in government affairs, public services, e-commerce, and e-navigationWe will accelerate efforts to make Internet websites, mobile Internet applications and self-service public service devices more accessible。Intelligent services should be promoted to meet the needs of persons with disabilities, and smart tools should be convenient for them to use in their daily lives。(Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Housing and Construction, Municipal Civilization Office, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation)

5.We will create a civilized social atmosphere that supports the disabled and enables them to become self-reliant。In-depth development习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想学习教育,认真贯彻落实习近平总书记关于The disabled事业的重要指示批示精神,Adhere to the core socialist values as the guidance,Strengthen the theory and practice of the cause of disabled people with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Strengthen the ideological and cultural foundation for the development of the cause of the disabled。It will include helping the disabled in civic moral construction, civilization building activities, and the construction of civilization practice centers in the new era, promote the humanitarian spirit and traditional virtues of helping the disabled, and create a civilized society atmosphere of understanding, respect, care, and help for the disabled。Inspire the spirit of self-improvement of the disabled, encourage the disabled to self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance, self-reliance。Comprehensive use of traditional media and new media to vigorously promote the cause of the disabled, the publicity of excellent disabled workers, excellent disabled representative publicity, talk about Houma"The Most beautiful disabled" story。(Lead unit: Municipal Party CommitteePublicity Department, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation;Participating units: Municipal Civilization Office, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Financial Media Center)

Box 8 Key barrier-free projects

1.Barrier-free road traffic。Barrier-free facilities will be built on major urban streets, overpasses, underpasses and sidewalks。Barrier-free equipment will be gradually provided in public places and public transport。

2.Barrier-free public service facilities。We will accelerate barrier-free renovation of party and government offices, Party and mass service centers, schools, hospitals, sports, transportation, finance, postal services, stations, commerce, tourism, restaurants and other public service facilities。

3.Government information barrier-free。We will accelerate the development of barrier-free information on government portals, government service platforms and online offices。

4.Barrier-free life service。Promote barrier-free transformation of applications (Apps) involving citizens' daily production and life。Promote barrier-free transformation of self-service public service equipment such as automatic vending, medical treatment, bank teller machines, and self-ticketing。

5.Barrier free service。Subtitles and sign language should be added to government press conferences and public emergency information released on television and the Internet, and voice and captions and other information prompt devices should be set up in hospitals, evacuation shelters and centralized isolation places。Encourage the development of barrier-free information service platforms for hearing and speech disabled persons。

(6) Strengthen support and guarantee, strengthen self-construction, and promote comprehensive and high-quality development of the cause of persons with disabilities

1Strengthen the leadership system under which party committees lead and the government is responsible。Strengthen the Party's leadership over work for the disabled,确保习近平总书记关于The disabled事业重要论述和Party committees and governments at all levels have effectively implemented their decisions and deployments, providing a strong political guarantee for the development of the cause of persons with disabilities。Improve the leadership system and working mechanism of party committee leadership, government responsibility, departmental coordination, social participation, market promotion, and disabled persons' organizations to play a full role,The development of the cause of persons with disabilities should be included in the overall plan for national economic and social development,The Government Working Committee on Disabled Persons has played a full coordinating role,Relevant departments work in a division of labor and perform their duties with due diligence,Form synergistic and efficient working force,We will solve major problems in the cause of the disabled。(Lead unit: Municipal Disabled Persons' FederationParticipating units: Member units of the Municipal Working Committee for Disabled Persons)

2.We will strengthen funding guarantees and establish a pattern of diversified input with steady growth。We will ensure funding for programs for the disabled in accordance with regulations。Improve and standardize the collection and payment mechanism of the disability insurance fund, and collect all of it。We will accelerate the establishment of a comprehensive, whole-process, and full-coverage budget performance management system, allocate funds in a scientific manner in accordance with expenditure standards and expenditure responsibilities, and ensure that funds are given priority to services for the disabled with good results and high public satisfaction。(Lead unit: Municipal Finance Bureau;Participating units: Municipal Tax Bureau, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation)

3.Strengthen organizational construction and promote toAbility to serve people with disabilities。Include public services for the disabled in the list of public services provided by the municipal and township (street) governments and village (village) governments.The list of community work items undertaken by the Committee and the list of community work items to assist the Government will gradually implement grid management to achieve refined services。We will carry out actions to improve the service capacity of persons with disabilities, and build a coordinated and complementary service network for persons with disabilities at the grass-roots level at the city, township (street) and village (community) levels。We will clarify standards for implementing basic public services for persons with disabilities, carry out needs assessments, and coordinate resource allocation。Services for persons with disabilities have been included in the construction of urban and rural community governance and service systems, and services such as centralized care for persons with disabilities, day care, community rehabilitation, and assisted employment have been actively carried out。In view of the special difficulties of persons with disabilities, we have adopted such facilitation service measures as door-to-door, online, nearby, and one-time offices。Timely report illegal and criminal acts that infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of disabled personsTake effective measures to solve it。We will support various social organizations in providing services for the disabled in an orderly manner。(Lead unit: Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation;Participating units: Municipal Political and Legal Committee, Civil Affairs Bureau, Municipal Public Security Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, township街道

4.We will strengthen the construction of facilities and ensure the supply of services。Strengthen the professional and standardized construction of service facilities for the disabled, and strive to achieve it in our cityThere is a specialized rehabilitation or nursing facility for the disabled, which supports and encourages public cooperation, public construction and private operation, and mixed operation.Promotion serviceInnovative modes of facility operation and service supply will be made to promote the effective operation of service facilities for persons with disabilities and bring benefits into play。(Leading unit: Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation, participating units: Municipal Development and Reform Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Health and Sports Bureau, Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau, Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau)

5.Strengthen information construction and improve service capabilities。We will strengthen the informationization of service institutions for persons with disabilities and grassroots organizations of persons with disabilities。We will promote the inclusion of basic public services for persons with disabilities in government services"One Netcom office" platform。Continue to carry out the "National survey on the basic status of persons with disabilities" work, improve the basic data of the disabled population, strengthen the investigation and evaluation of the basic status and the transformation and application of the results, and promote the sharing of data and information resources and the precision of services。(Leading unit: Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation; participating units: Municipal Development and Reform Bureau, Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, Municipal Natural Resources Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Health and Sports Bureau, Municipal Statistics Bureau, Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau)

6.Strengthen self-development,Enhance work vitality。The municipal Disabled Persons' FederationPerform wellThe "representative, service and management" function implements the "Implementation Opinions on Strengthening and Improving the work of Village (community) Disabled Persons' Associations" and the newly revised "Work Norms of Village (community) Disabled Persons' Associations" and "Work Norms of Full-time Members", and strengthens the standardization and standardization of the disabled Persons' associations。We will support the establishment of special associations for persons with disabilities, and play the functions of "representing, serving, safeguarding rights, and supervising"。We should pay attention to the training and selection of young cadres with disabilities and grass-roots cadres, optimize the cadre structure of the DPF, and constantly improve the service capacity and level of organizations for the disabled。(Lead unit: Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation;Participating units: Municipal Organization Department, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, township街道

Iv. Implementation mechanism

A good implementation of this plan isAll levels of the city departments andThe obligation of the whole society。The relevant departments and units of the municipal government shall, according to the division of responsibilities, give full play to their own advantages, seriously do a good job of the connection between relevant special policies and this plan, clarify the main body of responsibility and requirements, and ensure that all tasks are implemented。

    The Municipal Working Committee for Persons with Disabilities and relevant departments shall supervise and monitor the implementation of the plan, carry out third-party assessment or social satisfaction surveys, and promptly discover and solve problems in the implementation of the plan。It is necessary to strengthen prior risk assessment and supervision during and after the incident。The Municipal Government Working Committee for the Disabled shall conduct a self-examination and evaluation of the implementation of the plan in the middle and end of the "14th Five-Year Plan"。

Document interpretation:Notice of Houma Municipal People's Government on the issuance of Houma's "14th Five-Year Plan" for the protection and development of the Disabled