Relevant departments:

Findings of joint supervision and law enforcement on the west side of Huang-Hebei Trunk MountainHouma CityHighlight the ecological environment问题The rectification plan has been approved by the municipal People's GovernmentPlease carry it out carefully。

Houma City People's Government Office

(This is public发布                           2024年88    

West side of the north main stream mountain of the Yellow RiverJoint oversight of enforcement findings

Houma City stands outEcological and environmental problems rectification plan

For practicalThe west side of the good Yellow River river Mountain prominent ecological environmental problems investigation feature film disclosure problems rectification workComprehensively improve the level of ecological environmental protection and ecological civilization construction, combined with the feedback of our city, the plan is formulated。

一、Guiding ideology

以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面学习贯彻General Secretary Xi JinpingAn important speech on ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin指示批示Spirit, conscientiously implement the Yellow River Protection Law of the People's Republic of ChinaAdhere to problem orientationTo promote the rectification of feedback problems with high standards and strict requirements, strengthen systematic management, comprehensive management and source management, and persevere in promoting the improvement of ecological and environmental qualityTo promote a high level of ecological environment protection andHigh-quality economic and social development

2. Work objectives

(一)Ideological understanding has been further improvedTo study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization,We will firmly shoulder our political responsibility for ecological and environmental protectionWe will coordinate ecological and environmental protection and economic and social development。Relevant departments should earnestly unify their thoughts and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, take the rectification work as a political task, resolutely shoulder the responsibility for rectification, determine specific responsibilities, and fully promote the implementation of the rectification task。

(二)Environmental problems were further rectifiedAround the warning film disclosure problem, in-depth examination of the causes of the problem, focus on identifying the crux of the problem, based on the current, long-term perspective, deep reflection, learn lessons, precise policies, scientific rectification, draw a lesson from one another, source controlIt is necessary to make immediate changes to the problems of indiscriminate dumping of garbage, black and odorous water bodies, and direct discharge of sewage;Investigations should be carried out into suspected illegal problems such as improper operation of sewage treatment facilities and illegal discharge of sewage.For systemic problems that require a certain amount of time to rectify, we need to identify phased goals and tasks and make solid progress step by step

System and mechanismFurther sound。Improve the system and mechanism of joint construction and joint governanceWith the highest standards, the most practical measures, the hardest style of rectification and implementation。We will improve a modern environmental governance system featuring party committee leadership, government leadership and joint participation by enterprises, society and the publicStrictly implement"Supervision and inspection,督办、Assessment and accountability管理体系,Establish a linkage mechanism, form a joint force, and ensure that the problem rectification task is fully implemented and can withstand verification and inspection。

3. Rectification tasks

1) Houma City rain and sewage diversion reconstruction project construction planCompleted in August 2023, but not yet completed;The drainage box is constructed in sections, not connected, the interface is low-lying, and the sewage is stored outside the river, which has the risk of "small storage and collection" in flood season, and adversely affects the water quality of the Huihe river。

Rectification measures:

Organize to clean up the accumulated sewage sludge in the pit at the junction of the rainwater and sewage diverter box, and adopt temporary measures to temporarily block the interface connection and prevent sewage dripping。

Speed up the construction of the project,By the end of December 2024, the construction of the rain and pollution diversion reconstruction project in Houma City will be completed, and the risk of "fractional storage and withdrawal" during flood season will be completely eliminated。

责任单位:① Municipal Water Bureau, ② Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau

Rectification time limit:By the end of December 2024

(2) Houma Tongji bridge section of the Huihe riverA large amount of construction waste and domestic waste are piled up on the 1km embankment;The water in the upper and lower reaches of Tongji Bridge is cloudy and does not flow, the color is black, and the sensory perception is very poor。On-site quick inspection showed that COD, ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus in the river water were greater than 20 mg per liter, 10 mg per liter, and 0.5 milligrams per liter。

Rectification measures:

① Organize the construction waste and household waste stored on the bank of Tongji Bridge of the Huihe River to be comprehensively cleaned and renovated。

② Before the end of December 2024, the ecological restoration project of the upper reaches of the Huihe river will be completed。After the completion of the project, restore the surface runoff of the upper reaches of the Huihe river in time to ensure the water quality standards。

责任单位①② Municipal water Bureau, Houma comprehensive management Co., LTD

Rectification time limit:By the end of December 2024

3) Houma City Zhengtong Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. into the river sewage outlet sign position has not been timely adjusted according to actual changes。

Rectification measures:In accordance with the requirements of the river discharge outlet code,According to the actual situation, timely standardized adjustment of the river discharge outlet sign position。

责任单位:Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau

Rectification time limit:Make changes and adhere to them for a long time

(四)The effluent quality of Shangma Village sewage treatment station is poor, and the on-site quick inspection shows that the effluent ammonia nitrogen is greater than that of the effluent20 mg per liter, does not meet the discharge standard requirements, external discharge has adverse influence on the water quality of the Huihe river。

Rectification measures:

To find out the cause of excessive ammonia nitrogen, comprehensively overhaul and maintain the rural pollution treatment facilities in Shangma Village, strengthen operation and maintenance supervision, strengthen daily supervision, strictly implement the weekly inspection system, establish the inspection account, improve the ability to find and solve problems, and ensure the quality of effluent water稳定Standard discharge。

责任单位:Linfen CityHouma Branch, Bureau of Ecology and Environment

Rectification time limit:Make changes and adhere to them for a long time

(五)There is no ecological base flow of the second reservoir of Houma River, and the ecological base flow of the downstream river can not be guaranteed, and the water in the drainage channel does not flow, and the sense is poor。

Rectification measures:

① Carry out a comprehensive investigation of the internal drain of the Huihe river, put an end to the direct discharge of sewage of the huihe river, strengthen the communication and docking of departments, make a scientific and reasonable drainage plan for the ecological base flow of the two reservoirs of the Huihe river without affecting the water quality of the section, and ensure the ecological base flow of the downstream river。

The silt, garbage and weeds in the discharge canal should be cleaned regularly to ensure flood safety。

责任单位:①② Municipal Water Bureau, ① Houma Branch of Linfen Ecological Environment Bureau, Yanhe Township (street)

Rectification time limit:By the end of December 2024

四、Safeguard measure

严格按照"Self-investigation is lenient, and investigation is strict."原则Strict implementation"Territorial management""Management development must be environmental protection, management production must be environmental protection, management industry must be environmental protection"工作要求Establish and improve the long-term mechanism for discovering and correcting problems, early detection and early treatment, and solve problems in the bud。同时,Complete organizationCity township (street), departmentRegular development类似Problem self-examination自纠Do the side to supervise the side to change, set up the line to changeDraw a lesson from one example to prevent similar ecological and environmental problems,确保Feedback problem整改Get something real成效

Each responsible unit shall determine a special person to be responsible, sort out and summarize the relevant rectification according to the division of responsibilities, and report it every WednesdayReport the rectification progress and rectification account with official seal before 18:00, ensure that all rectification tasks are completed according to the time requirements, and pass the provincial acceptance and sale number。

Address: Houma City Ecological Environment Protection Commission Office (Linfen City Ecological Environment Bureau Houma Branch206室)

:魏    19303479815

Document interpretation:Houma City People's Government office on the issuance of yellow Hebei Xianxuan Mountain joint supervision and law enforcement findingsHouma City prominent ecological environmental problems rectification plan notice