Township people's governments, sub-district offices, Houma Economic Development Zone Administrative Committee, relevant departments directly under the city:

Houma City迎接2023 National Garden城市Review Work Implementation PlanThe government agrees, and it is hereby issued to you. Please organize and implement it carefully。

Houma City People's Government Office

(This article is released to the public)           September 25th, 2023

Welcome to Houma CityNational Garden City review in 2023

Work implementation plan

按照Notice of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Shanxi Province on the Review of National Garden CitiesJin Jiancheng Han2023〕453号文件要求,侯马Market responseBy the end of 2023, an application for national garden city review shall be submitted to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。In order to do a solid job in the preparation of the review, consolidate and deepen the achievements of the city's creation of a national garden city, and fully complete the review task,依据"National Garden City Selection Criteria" index requirements,Combined with the reality of our city,Formulate the implementation plan。

1. Guiding ideology

以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的二十大及二十We firmly implemented the spirit of the previous plenary sessions as a guide“绿水青山就是金山银山”的习近平生态文明思想,坚持创新、协调、绿色The new development concept of openness and sharing, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the national garden city review, is standardized in four categories: ecological livability, health and comfort, safety and resilience, and style and characteristics18 indicators, continuously optimize the layout of green space, improve supporting service facilities, improve the quality of the living environment, strengthen historical and cultural protection, and achieve the goal of more distinctive urban gardens, a more beautiful ecological environment, and a happier people's life。

Second, overall objectives

According to the index requirements of the "National Garden City Selection Criteria", a national garden with clear subjects, clear powers and responsibilities, top-down linkage and efficient operation should be established城市Review work systemConsolidate the achievements of the creation of national garden cities, form a new urban pattern of comprehensive management, green space construction standards, effective construction control, good ecological environment, supporting municipal facilities, appropriate energy conservation and emission reduction, social security implementation, and beautiful living environment, and ensure that ISuccessfully through the national garden城市复查。

Iii. Implementation steps

(1) Preparation stage(Before October 1)

制定《Houma City迎接2023 National Garden城市Review Work Implementation PlanDecompose and implement all work tasks, and comprehensively start to review all work。各Relevant departmentAccording to the requirements of the job,Strengthen responsibility,Extensively mobilize, create an atmosphere, and organize the implementation of various review tasks。

(2) Self-examination stage(October 1 - October 15)

Division of dutiesCarry out self-inspection against the new standard, in1015Submit self-inspection report and related before today印证Materials (including text descriptions, ledgersPhoto images, management documents, etc.) to the office of the leading group。

(3) Rectification stage(15 October - 31 October)

According to the new index standards, combined with the actual work, the implementation of rectification measures, pay close attention to weak links, improve and consolidate the creation of results, improve the declaration materials,202310月31Reported to the office of the leading group。

(4) Application stage (October 31 - November 30)

Prepare application review materials, including:1.Review the application;2.National Garden City self-assessment report;3.Relevant data of self-assessment results;4.Basic data and evaluation report of urban remote sensing survey and evaluation;5.Create work technical report video data (five minutes) and picture data;6.Demonstration projects that can reflect the characteristics of local landscaping (no less than 4);7.Other data that can reflect the effectiveness and characteristics of the creation work。

(5) Inspection phase (November 30 - December 31)

Relevant departments furtherImplementation responsibilityCheck the gaps, self-examination, standard improvement,Make full preparations for spot checks and field reviews by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。

4. Job requirements

1. Strengthen leadership and clarify responsibilities

All relevant departments should fully understand the importance of the inspection work, further enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of the national garden city review work, the main leaders personally grasp, directly grasp the leaders in charge, make up for weaknesses, strong and weak items, and enhance and consolidate the work results;To compare with the "National Garden City Standards"4 categories of 18 indicators and assessment requirements, layer by layerReal responsibility, layer by layer transmission of pressure, layer by layer breakdown of tasks, to ensure that the implementation of various tasks in place。

(二)Widely publicized, fully launched

The review work of garden city needs the participation and support of the whole society。All relevant departments shall formulate publicity work plans according to the requirements of the review work, and publicize and report the relevant work progress in a timely manner。It is necessary to make full use of newspapers, networks, television and radio, outdoor advertising and other media to vigorously publicize the purpose and significance of the review work, so that the general public understand the relevant situation of the review work, mobilize the city's citizens to participate in the review work, and form a good atmosphere of public participation and social coordination。

(三)Check and fill the gaps, improve the information

All relevant departments should strictly refer to the national garden city review task breakdown table (see annex) to carefully sort out the work content,Check the table,Targeted weak links,Set up a good account,Timely and accurately provide information related to review work;The office of the leading group shall collect and sort out work data in a timely manner,Regular reporting of inspection work。

(四)Strict supervision, strengthen assessment

The office of the leading group should establish a supervision and inspection mechanism for the national garden city review work, improve the system of regular notification and interview, normalize the supervision and inspection of the progress of the garden city review work, and comprehensively take notification, interview, rectification and other measures to ensure that the work is effective。

附件:Houma City迎接2023 National Garden城市Review the division of responsibilities

Image interpretation:Notice of Houma City People's Government Office on printing and distributing the Implementation Plan of Houma City to Meet the National Garden City Review in 2023